Pigment spots and how to remove themPigmented spots appear on the skin due to a violation of its functions. Most often they begin to appear after 40 years, but there are cases when they can be seen in young girls. It is worth pondering, how to remove pigment spots.

Often pigment spots are absolutely harmless and do not require special treatment. But for most people, skin pigmentation disorder is a kind of discomfort, so many are trying to eliminate them.

Pigmented spots are divided into several species. The safest and most common of them is freckles. At its core, freckles are an inabilitythe body correctly distribute the sun tan all over the skin. Some pigment cells can work unevenly, because of which there are clots of sunburn on the skin. In the cold season, freckles disappear, with the appearance of an abundant amount of ultraviolet light - they reappear. Do not despair, because with age, the body learns to correctly distribute the tan all over the skin, so freckles disappear forever.

Age spots or lentigo come to replace freckles and begin to appearafter forty years. They appear on the hands and face, on the shoulders - in places where freckles used to be. Many women are thinking how to remove pigment spots, because they give out their real age.

Melasma Are large pigment areas, appearancewhich provokes sunlight. Do not blame the ultraviolet in their appearance, because it is only a factor that can detect them. In fact, the cause of their appearance is a hormonal failure when using contraceptives, medications or pregnancy. When restoring hormonal balance, melasma very often disappears itself.

Birthmarks, or moles, also refer to pigment spots and isabsolutely at all. But do not relax, because they can not only be congenital, but also appear with age. The reason is still the same: the failure of the functions of the skin, so that the cells overflowed with pigment accumulate and become a mole. The appearance of new birthmarks can be considered the formation of benign tumors. Under adverse conditions, they can turn into malignant.

Vitiligo, or white pigment spots, is very mysteriousa skin disease that can occur at any age. These are milky white or pinkish spots that can affect so small areas of the skin that they will not be noticeable. Sometimes they can cover the entire body. The origin of vitiligo to science is not known, and it is believed that it provokes the failure of the endocrine system.

In order to understand how to remove pigment spots, you first need to understand the cause of their origin. Therefore, first Exclude the possibility of external factors affecting the skin, and then start using different means.

Exist special whitening cream, which help get rid of unwanted pigmentation spots. You can use folk remedies. For example, mix 1 teaspoon of horseradish, ½a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and vinegar and 3 drops of rosemary oil. Apply the mixture with a cotton swab on the areas with pigment spots once or twice a day. When the stain starts to lighten, you can stop treatment. It should be noted that people with sensitive skin are less likely to use this mixture more cautiously.

You can also use papaya for bleaching the skin. Enzymes contained in its juice, discolour pigment spots. Remember that in some people papaya can cause an allergic reaction.

Also there are recommendations how to remove pigmentation spots with the help of lotion from onion juice and vinegar. Mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed onion juice. The prepared mixture can be moistened with pigment spots once a day.

Do not forget about the bleaching abilities of an ordinary cucumber. Just wipe cucumber pigmentation spots. You can also use sour milk, old kefir or hydrogen peroxide. Remember that the effect can only appear in a few weeks.

If the use of various drugs does not help, all the causes of the appearance of pigment spots are eliminated, but you can not get rid of them - you should address this problem to a doctor. After all excessive pigmentation may be caused by internal disease or skin cancer.

Pigment spots and how to remove them
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