White spots on the nails (leuconichia) - patcheswhite, formed due to dysfunction of the nail matrix, responsible for the growth of the nail. The configuration and structure of the nail plate remains healthy. Leukonichia can be a part of the symptom complex of various somatic diseases / dermatoses, so the sudden appearance of white spots on the nails and recurrent leukonichia is a good reason to call a doctor to identify and eliminate the cause of the pathology.

White spots on the nails: the causes

The main reason for the formation of white spots on the nails (in the thumbs of the fingers, in the nameless ones, etc.) is the failure of the keratization process (keratinization) of the nail, caused by internal / external influences.

Exogenous factors:

  • injury to the nail plate (pinch of the finger (nameless, etc.), stroke);

  • improper manicure, nail extensions;

  • constant contact with industrial / household chemicals;

  • wearing narrow shoes;

  • habit of gnawing nails;

  • use of substandard varnishes for nails, acetone for removing varnish.

Endogenous factors:

  • lack of calcium, iron, zinc in the body;

  • anorexia, malnutrition;

  • intestinal dysbiosis, metabolic disorders;

  • colitis, enteritis, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis;

  • hypovitaminosis, anemia;

  • fungal infection, congestive heart failure;

  • nervous exhaustion, depression;

  • chronic renal failure;

  • insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.

White spots on the nails: classification

In the form of leukonichia are: striped (the result of infections / trophic disorders) and point (after the injury). In size - total (indicate a severe somatic disease) and partial.

Characteristics of white spots depending on the etiology:

  • depressive episode. A large spot in the center of the nail, disappearing as it grows;

  • injury. The nail is afflicted in a limited way, spot spots, rarely - striped with a chaotic location;

  • seasonal hypovitaminosis, anemia. Single spots of white color;

  • heart failure. Most of the nail is white, the distal section is red-brown (Terry's nails);

  • kidney pathology. 40-75% of the surface of the nail plates has a white color, the distal part - a pronounced brown color ("Lindsay's nails");

  • deviations in the digestive tract. Total defeat of nails;

  • nutritional factors (diet / starvation). White paired strips with a transverse arrangement;

  • fungus. Multiple white spots, softening and yellowing of the nail plate, exfoliation, thickening, unpleasant odor.

White spots on the nails of children

Violations of keratinization of the nails in a child usuallyarise due to an incorrect lifestyle and an unbalanced diet. Other causes of the disease: heredity, avitaminosis, fungal lesions, excessive emotional stress, helminthic invasion. If the baby "on level ground" appeared on the nails of white specks, you need to consult a pediatrician and undergo a course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. Single white spots in specific therapy are notneed. It is enough to adhere to an adequate regime and provide the child with rational nutrition. In 99% of cases, these measures will lead to complete recovery.

  2. If, during the examination, the baby is diagnosed with lung, stomach or kidney disease, it is necessary to cure the profile pathology, after which the white spots will disappear.

  3. When vitamin deficiency should be a vitamin-mineral correction: diversify the baby's menu with fish, dairy products, fruits, fresh vegetables, nuts.

  4. If the cause of white spots is stress, it is important to create a favorable and calm atmosphere for the child, to guard against excessive mental / physical exertion.

  5. When infecting with helminths, an anthelminthic drug is prescribed - Levamisol, Mebendazole, Piperazine or Albendazole.

  6. Fungal nail infections are treated with local antimycotic agents - lacquers (Mikozan, Cyclopiroxolamine, Batrafen) and ointments (Terbizil, Nystatin).

On the red spots on the body, read here.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis is carried out by a dermatologist on the basis ofvisual inspection and laboratory data (scraping for fungi, spectral testing for trace elements). If necessary, the specialist can refer the patient to a narrow specialist (neurologist, cardiologist) to clarify the diagnosis.

Differential analysis of leukonichias:

  • Mei lines (change location with nail growth): thalium / arsenic poisoning, heart failure, Hodgkin's disease);

  • lines Muehrcke (do not change the location with the growth of the nail): a decrease in the level of albumin in the blood;

  • Half-and-Half lines Terry (45-75% of the nail area): kidney failure;

  • total leukonichia (more than 80% of the nail area): hyperthyroidism, neoplasms of the lymphatic system.

Competent diagnostics of white spots on the nails allows not only to reveal the true cause of the disease, but also to detect cancer in time, to begin the course of therapy of oncopathology, to save the patient's life.

About red spots on your feet read here.

White spots on the nails: treatment

Treatment of leukonichia includes the search for andelimination of the cause of their occurrence. Assign methods and tools that stimulate microcirculation in the limbs (massage, physiotherapy procedures, angioprotectors). Vitamin-microelement preparations containing a large number of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins of group B, macro- and microelements are recommended. Therapy should take into account the individual characteristics of the patient (also in the case of pregnancy), be long and complex, correct (correct) the pathogenetic prerequisites of the disease. Ayurveda can be a good complement to the basic treatment.

Folk remedies:

  • bath with sea salt. For a liter of hot water - a teaspoon of sea salt, take 15-20 minutes;

  • a bath with a decoction of chamomile and oak bark. For a liter of water - a tablespoon of raw materials, take 15-20 minutes;

  • fish fat. Daily rub in a damaged nail.

Prevention of leukonichias

White spots on the nails or points often leadto psychoemotional and functional problems, reduce the quality of life. To avoid this, you must strictly observe personal hygiene while visiting the pool, sauna, bath; pass preventive examinations in the presence of complaints about the state of health, follow the basic rules: do not bite your nails, use high-quality nail polishes, wear rubber gloves when working with chemicals.

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