automatic massager

Drawing pain, swelling, numbness, sensation"raspiraniya" lower limbs - the symptoms that affect 70% of women and 20% of men of working age. Fatigue of the feet is accompanied by burning in the feet, muscle tension, heaviness and cramps at night, which causes a lot of inconvenience and interferes with proper rest. Why does discomfort arise and how to relieve foot fatigue?

Causes of Leg Fatigue

  • long static loads. Rhythmic regular contraction of the muscles of the limbs ensures normal blood circulation, and a sedentary lifestyle inevitably leads to venous stasis at the feet, which provokes pain and severe fatigue;

  • floor. Women complain of fatigue in their legs much more often than men. At the same time, several factors are involved here: wearing shoes with high heels, childbirth, menopause, hormonal fluctuations;

  • overweight. Extra pounds create a barrier to the outflow of blood, exerting strong pressure on the veins of the legs;

  • exorbitant stress, heavy physical labor;

  • weather. In the heat of motor activity decreases, the body changes the volume of the circulating fluid, the tone of the vessels decreases and as a result - blood stasis is formed;

  • employment by professional sports;

  • irrational nutrition;

  • uncomfortable shoes.

How to remove foot fatigue?

Physical training

the woman is walking without shoes on the grass

It is useful to walk 2-4 km on foot every day,walk without shoes on the grass, the wooden floor, swim in the pool. It is dangerous to overexert yourself with a bicycle or power trainers, wear weights, stand in an uncomfortable position for a long time. A very important point is the properly selected footwear, which adequately distributes the load and does not compress the ankles.

Foot baths

woman taking a bath

Remove puffiness and fatigue of the feetrefreshing baths with infusions of herbs, soda, salt. Positive results are given by contrasting baths with lavender / eucalyptus oils. They quickly eliminate fatigue, swelling, promote the restoration of skin cells, activate blood circulation, relieve sweating.

Ointments and creams

tube of foot cream

They take good care of leg fatigue, swelling, pain,improve trophic skin cooling ointments, balms, creams that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Drugs should be applied to the feet before going to bed, after taking foot baths.


the masseur kneads his leg

A classic method, which relieves heaviness, fatigue, swelling of the legs, normalizing blood circulation in the lower extremities.

However, a visit to massage parlors can fly inyou a pretty penny. Each massage session costs from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the skill of the master. And to get a visible effect, you need to do massage sessions 3-4 times a week for at least 1-2 months.

It is possible to save significantly the automatic massager Bliss, which provides a full-fledged massage of the ankles, fingers and feet without involving a specialist.

feet in automatic tessera

Wellness effect of a massager Bliss:

  • stimulates the functioning of the circulatory system;

  • restores the mobility of the joints of the legs;

  • removes inflammation / pain in the soft tissues of the lower limbs;

  • relieves stress and fatigue in the muscles of the legs;

  • improves sleep, overall well-being.

With the help of this Israeli device, you can conduct free foot massage sessions for yourself and your loved ones at a convenient time without leaving home.

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