Have your eyes hurt? Find out the reasons and the ways of treatment!
Most people are confused oreven the eye pupil, which is entangled in the bright red scar tissue, is frightened. And if you are scared to look at yourself in the mirror, then how do your interlocutors and casual passers-by feel? So let's figure out why we have red eyes and what to do in this case?
Red eyes: causes
Of course, in most cases, the expansion of smallof the blood vessels around the pupil is associated with a lack of moisturizing the eye mucosa, trauma to the eye or head, the consequences of taking a certain group of drugs that worsen blood clotting processes, and much more.
Also, the redness of the eye proteins can be causedincreased physical exertion or the result of a strong and long cough. If there is no pain, the redness will last for one to two weeks.
If this phenomenon has become chronic,and you have constantly red eyes, this indicates more serious factors - infectious diseases, allergic reaction or result of the use of contact lenses. In such cases, it is not worthwhile to behave frivolously and it is worth turning to specialists.
To serious diseases, in which you are illeyes (and red squirrels) include: conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eye, in some cases, it is quite contagious, therefore requires compliance with personal hygiene), blepharitis, episcleritis, keratitis, iridocyclitis, acute attack of glaucoma.
Do not forget that if you have red eyes and they itch, it could be a consequence of excessive drinking and constant lack of sleep.
Red eye: what to do?
Do self-medication should you, if youabsolutely sure that this is not a disease. First, analyze your workplace and apartment (at home). The room should be well ventilated, with no excess of tobacco smoke. The heaters should operate in normal mode without overdrying the air.
If this is not the case, then ventilate more often, dobreaks in work, leaving for fresh air, put near the radiators small dishes with water. You can also use special medical devices - vasoconstrictive eye drops. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of options: Octylium, Naphthyzine, Vizin, Okumetil and others. But do not overdo it - drugs can become addictive, which will lead to loss of strength of the walls of the vessels.
If you are an opponent of pharmaceuticals, you canto put on the ice pieces, cooling compresses (you can use infusions of chamomile, mint, parsley, linden, blue cornflower), alternating them with warm ones, doing eyelid massage and doing special eye exercises (in the Internet you will find many techniques).
Revise your daily diet. Fill it with a lot of vegetables and fruits, among which give preference to carrots, parsley, cabbage, oranges and grapefruits. Eat plenty of eggs, fatty fish, nuts and sunflower seeds, blueberries. In late autumn and early spring, use special complexes of vitamins and minerals. Sleep at least 6 hours. Take breaks in work at the computer.
Cases when the child has constantly red eyes,no different from those with adults. Your task is to correctly determine the cause of the ailment. And if you do not succeed in this matter, then do not delay and you need to immediately contact the ophthalmologist.