Thyme: medicinal properties, application, photo

Thyme is an amazing plant thathas many useful and healing properties. Especially popular among the ancient Slavs, who honored this herb not only for the ability to treat all kinds of diseases, but also prolong life with regular admission. In ancient Greece, thyme was used to treat female diseases and with problems with breathing. Other folk healers even treated this plant with meningitis, applying it to the head.

But on this amazing version of ituse does not end. The plant was used not only for cooking tinctures or decoction, but also for embalming the deceased. Later, smoke from the burning of dry thyme was fumigated by patients with plague and leprosy.

Healing properties

Now thyme is actively used as ameans of traditional medicine. But it is also suitable for decorating a private plot, as it blooms very beautifully, does not require special care and is unpretentious to the level of soil fertility. Growing thyme in your dacha, you will always have access to this universal natural remedy.

Thyme: medicinal properties, application, photo

  1. Thymus (or thyme) is actively used to treat various infections, wounds and poisonings due to the disinfectant that is contained in the leaves and flowers of the plant.

  2. It is used as a rinse and for the treatment of colds and respiratory system disorders (laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

  3. Medicines from dry thyme are used as drops in the treatment of sinusitis and chronic rhinitis.

  4. Essential oils that are contained in the plant are widely used to improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the genitourinary system.

  5. The most popular expectorant, Pertussin, is also made on the basis of thyme and more than one generation effectively helps in the fight against coughing.

  6. Nutritionists recommend using thyme as a seasoning. Just one pinch of dry thyme, or as it is called in cooking - thyme, is able to bring in your dish a unique taste and aroma.

  7. Essential oil of a medicinal plant is activeuse and in cosmetology. First of all, to strengthen the hair roots and accelerate their growth. It is enough to rub three drops of oil into the scalp while washing your head. The same small amount of essential oil of thyme will help and to combat acne. Just add it to your regular cream or lotion.

Thyme: medicinal properties, application, photo

But, as with all other medicinalplants, with thyme you need to be careful and observe the measure. Otherwise, an unpleasant allergic reaction may occur. Specialists also do not recommend treating a thyme with pregnant women or those suffering from serious kidney and liver diseases.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Thymus for colds

A tablespoon of dry grass should be filled with a glasshot water and let stand for thirty minutes. Then the broth should be filtered to remove the remnants of the plant. Take a recommended two tablespoons of broth, mixing it with a spoonful of honey three times a day before eating.

From diabetes and allergies

Thyme: medicinal properties, application, photo

Two tablespoons of thyme pour a glasshot water and boil just a minute. After that, the broth should stand for another hour in a warm place. To cope with diabetes or allergies, it is recommended to drink half the glass of filtered decoction three times a day after meals.

With skin diseases

If you suffer from boils, eczema ora serious allergic rash, you can prepare yourself a decoction of thyme, and take a bath. Just need to take a glass of dry plants and pour two liters of warm water. After this, the mixture should stand for at least two hours. Before taking a bath, the broth should be filtered and mixed with the rest of the water. Sitting in such a fragrant liquid, doctors advise no longer than 15 minutes.

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