Tansy: medicinal properties, application in folk medicine
There are many universal plants. Among them - tansy, which is equally effectively used as a medical product, and in cosmetology, and even in cooking. All because it contains a huge number of useful properties. Therefore, many people actively harvest it, store it and use it.
What are the useful properties of tansy?
Traditionally - in the composition. This herb is distinguished by a high concentration of nutrients, including ascorbic acid, essential oils, tannins, flavonoids and many others. But, despite its benefits, this plant also has a poison in its composition, which helps in reasonable amounts to fight microbes. The properties possessed by tansy make it possible to use it for the treatment of many diseases. Most often it is used to prevent and treat inflammatory processes, problems with the kidneys, stomach and liver.
Very often you can meet tansy and in the collections of herbs. Basically, these are cholagogic and gastric gatherings, often also kidney. In addition, it can be actively used to reduce the acidity of the stomach and cope with aching joints.
If a little distraction from the topic of medical onlife, tansy actively discourages different insects, so it is laid out in small bags, pre-drying, and put in places where there might not be any guests present.
The healing properties of tansy
There are a lot of different waysapplication of this herb. Most often use her flowers. They can be brewed, steamed or insisted. It all depends on your needs. It is treated, and also used as an auxiliary. But usually, it is crushed and dried, so it is more convenient to store and useful properties do not vanish.
This plant copes with various kindsmicrobes and has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Very often it is used to relieve spasms, treat worms, diarrhea and colitis. In addition, she copes wonderfully with the problems of baking, kidney, stomach and intestines. However, before application necessarily consider - tansy raises pressure and if with it or him problems, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.
No less often it is used as a remedy against headaches, nervous diseases. It helps against rheumatism and gout, scabies and can even save from skin cancer
There are also positive results of treatment of tuberculosis, asthma and diabetes.
Collect the grass according to the rules
The healing properties are largely dependent on the processcollection, because tansy must preserve in itself absolutely all useful substances. Therefore, it is important to remember a few rules. First of all, the plant is harvested at the end of summer. At this time she is at the stage of active flowering. Cut the inflorescence stands along with the peduncles. Finally, it is important to do this in environmentally friendly places.
No less careful approach to the proceduredrying. Doing this is in the attic, which is quite warm and, at the same time, provided with air flow. Like all the grass, tansy should be laid out in a very thin layer, otherwise it will simply decay before it has dried. During the drying time, the flowers should be mixed, but it is important to do this carefully, so that the flowers remain intact.
There are a lot of different recipes. Tansy, useful for treating a variety of diseases, so the application is quite diverse. Most often use tansy powder, decoction or tincture. But, each disease requires a special approach and a special recipe.
To cure gastritis or colitis you need infusion of tansy. To do this, just take a small spoonful of grass and pour it 250 ml of boiling water. Insist half an hour.
With dislocations, gout, bruises perfectly helpscollection of flowers and tansy leaves. They must be crushed thoroughly and poured with boiling water (250 ml). This infusion is also suitable for wipes, compresses and even baths.
Tansy is also used for enemas. To do this, take the seeds of the plant (1 spoonful) and mix them with garlic, previously crushed (2 cloves). All this is poured in milk (2 cups) and cooked for 10 minutes. Next, the broth should be cooled and can be used.
In dry form, tansy is taken with honey or sugar syrup. To do this, you need to take half a teaspoon of herbs and mix it with a sweet additive. You can drink it with water.
Caution is above all
Even if you are treated with the help of herbs you need to beon the alert. It is very important to do everything by prescription, and beforehand consult with a doctor. Tansy, despite its useful properties, has a number of contraindications. First of all, the treatment should be given to pregnant women and children. It is also necessary to clearly observe all dosages, otherwise the symptoms may not be very pleasant. If you have vomiting, convulsions, frustration - from the application should be discarded, as well as rinse the stomach.
Caution is important if you have heart problems. It is better to refuse treatment for rhythm disturbances and high blood pressure.