Signs of Pregnancy
All pregnant women will sooner or later learn about theirposition for a particular state of the body. The most reliable sign that a new life is born within the female body is the cessation of menstruation. But often it happens that the expectant mother begins to suspect changes long before the delay in menstruation. In this article, we will consider the main signs of pregnancy, both at the earliest and at its later stages.
The earliest symptoms of pregnancy
So, how to recognize an interesting situation before the termination of menstruation.
One of the most common signs isswelling of the breasts and pain in the chest. It also happens that the breast significantly increases in size and slightly hardens, the diameter of the circumference of the nipple becomes larger. This symptom is manifested because the organism of the pregnant woman actively produces progesterone, and the mammary glands are prepared for lactation. After a while, the nipples may become darker, and a mesh of blood vessels appears on the chest.
Another manifestation of pregnancy is an increasebasal temperature. This sign can be noticed by those women who planned a child and, in anticipation of a positive result, take daily measurements, recording them in a schedule.
A very common symptom is a changetaste preferences or distortion of taste and smell of certain products. Very often a pregnant woman suddenly begins to want to eat something that she was not interested in before. And sometimes the familiar or even favorite foods cause a woman disgust.
An interesting situation almost always affectsemotional background of the future mother. Increased sensitivity, tearfulness, nervousness or sentimentality may indicate the birth of a new life in the body. In addition, pregnant women are prone to sudden mood swings, often feel sleepy or weak. All these manifestations are associated with the active production of certain hormones.
Sometimes in the first weeks of pregnancy a woman can feel blunt aching pain in the lower back or lower abdomen, which she often associates with menstrual sensations.
Among other things, changes in the hormonal background in the early stages can lead to dizziness or permanent headaches.
Signs of pregnancy after a delay in menstruation
As already mentioned above, the most accuratethe symptom of a possible pregnancy is the cessation of menstruation. If a woman has noticed a delay, she must go to the doctor and go through an ultrasound to exclude various diseases and confirm the fact of fertilization. So, by what signs can you reliably determine pregnancy after the termination of menstruation.
The doctor-gynecologist at the inspection discovers that the uterus has increased in size. It is possible to notice about 5-6 weeks of the term, that is not earlier than 2 weeks after the delay.
In addition, the doctor may note a change in the color of the cervix and vagina - they acquire a slightly lilac shade.
During the ultrasound, the fetus can be seen on the screen of the device.
The analysis of the blood of the pregnant woman shows the presence of chorionic gonadotropin in the body, it can also be determined independently with the help of a special rapid test purchased at the pharmacy.
Morning nausea is another common symptom of pregnancy. This condition worries many women until the second trimester.
Drowsiness and fatigue, worsening concentration, memory loss - all these symptoms are associated with hormonal changes in the body.
Frequent urination caused by uterine enlargement, a characteristic symptom of pregnancy.