Basal temperature during pregnancy
Many women are familiar with the concept of basaltemperature. This indicator is often used by those who plan a pregnancy and calculates the date of onset of ovulation. In this article, we will describe in more detail the basal temperature during pregnancy, its features and methods of measurement.
What is this indicator
The temperature measured in the rectum in the mouthor in the vagina, indicates the onset or absence of a woman's ovulation. At the time of release of the ovule from the follicle, this index increases by 0.4 ° C and remains at this point throughout the second half of the menstrual cycle, and before the onset of the monthly it again falls to the initial state. In the case of pregnancy, the temperature continues to be slightly elevated.
How correctly to measure the basal temperature
To achieve the most accurate results, you must adhere to certain rules:
Measurements can be carried out in the mouth, vaginaeither rectum. Many experts advise using the latter method, since it gives the most accurate information. It should be remembered that choosing one method, it should be followed throughout the cycle.
Do not change the thermometer. Try to use the same thermometer every time, and the usual mercury is considered a better option than the electronic one.
Measure the temperature you need, as usual, from 5 to 7minutes. Do this always at the same time of day, best in the morning after awakening. When you wake up, do not rush to get out of bed, lie down a little in a relaxed pose, and then perform a BT measurement.
All indications should be entered in the schedule, and for reliability of results to carry out procedure it is necessary daily, since the first day of a cycle and not interrupted at approach of monthly.
Features of basal temperature during pregnancy
This indicator helps to determine the onsetpregnancy before the termination of menstruation. As it was said earlier, somewhere in the middle of the cycle, the temperature inside the rectum increases by approximately 0.4 ° C and ranges from 37 to 37.3. 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, this indicator comes back to normal. In a case where the temperature does not return to its original level for 18 days, there is reason to suspect pregnancy.
For women in the situation there are certain norms of BT, indicating a healthy course of pregnancy. The average figure varies between the values
37,1 - 37,3 ° С, if the basal temperature of the future mother is higher or lower than these markers, there is a suspicion of any deviations.
BT score during ectopic pregnancy
In the people there is an opinion that with this pathologybasal temperature does not increase. Doctors say something else: the change in the index is affected by progesterone, which is produced both in the usual and ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is impossible to diagnose a disease based on the measurement of BT.
Decreased basal temperature during pregnancy
There are times when, under normal conditionspregnancy, the indicator we are considering is suddenly sharply reduced. This may indicate that the development of certain hormones is wrong, i.e. the body of a woman in the situation gives off an insufficient amount of progesterone. Noticing this phenomenon, it is worth taking it seriously, because it is from a healthy hormonal background that the health of the mother and her future baby depends. Consult a doctor, he will prescribe all the necessary examinations and prescribe a course of special medications.