Mastitis in a catMastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland in a cat. This disease is very often manifested in nursing cats. Also, the occurrence of mastitis can affect various mechanical damages. This disease of the breast threatens the health of not only the cat itself, but also kittens. How to identify and treat mastitis in a cat, tells the Land of Soviets.

Inflammation of the mammary gland in a cat appears most often due to milk stagnation. This is facilitated not only by falsepregnancy or the birth of a dead fetus, but also the early elimination of kittens from a cat. In addition, postpartum infection and intoxication can also lead to the development of mastitis in a cat.

Mastitis in a cat is characterized by swelling, redness of the breast and a local increase in body temperature. The cat will not give to touch the stomach, because the nipples become very painful. It is best to treat mastitis in the early stages. But the problem is that it is not very easy to determine.

The development of mastitis can indicate the cat itself. If the cat is too often and diligently lickmammary glands, be sure to examine them. If the disease is at an early stage, you can simply bandage the nipples, so that the kittens no longer suck milk from them. In addition, the affected nipples can be washed with decoction of the bark of oak or infusion of sage leaves. Be careful that kittens are not drunk with medicines. Make sure that the temperature of the medicines for washing does not exceed 40 ° C.

If mastitis in a cat develops in a later period of feeding the kittens, when they can already eat their own other food, they can be completely isolated from the mother. It is advisable for a day to deprive the cat of water, or to limit the amount of drinking to a minimum. In order for the cat to continue to develop the disease, you can gently express the milk 1-2 times a day.

If you do not see any improvement, be sure to contact the veterinarian. He will advise certain ointments and medications that will help cure your kitty.

By the way, there are two types of mastitis: stagnant and acute septic. Stagnant mastitis appears on the laststages of pregnancy or during lactation. Milk begins to accumulate in the mammary glands, leading to their inflammation. This milk should be checked for acidity. If the pH of milk is 7.0 - it means it is infected and can lead to the disease of kittens.

With acute septic mastitis, the cat begins an abscess of the mammary gland. With such inflammation in milk appearimpurities of pus and blood. This milk is toxic and contains bacteria that can cause sudden death of kittens. In this case, always isolate the kittens from the cat and contact the veterinarian. He will prescribe the medicines that must be given to the cat. Abscesses will be removed only surgically.

When the cat begins to recover and the swelling of the nipples is already gone, it should conduct thermal procedures, such as warming up, compresses, massage and rubbing the camphor oil in the mammary glands.

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than treat. Therefore, pay enough attention to your favorite. In order for mastitis in a cat not to develop, it is necessary to create proper conditions for a nursing mother. Properly take care of the animal, do not allow hypothermia, trauma and contamination of the mammary glands. Any wounds, abrasions or cracks in the nipples should be treated promptly.

Particular attention should be paid to the health of the cat in the event of any postpartum complications. It is also worth noting that after giving birth to cats of longhaired breeds, it is not necessary to cut the hair around the nipples.

The main thing, in no case, do not try to cure the cat yourself. Mastitis is a serious disease thatcan lead to the death of kittens. By the way, mastitis in a cat can again manifest itself after the next delivery during the feeding of kittens. Therefore, be careful and constantly monitor the well-being of your fluffy pet.

Mastitis in a cat
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