How to cure bronchitis
Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi, usually caused by a viral infection. In this article we will tell you what are the symptoms of this disease, how to cure bronchitis, as well as what measures should be taken as prevention.
First of all, you need to talk about the symptoms of this disease. Usually bronchitis begins with a cold. Then there is a wet cough and high fever. In addition, there is a feeling of weakness. Sometimes there is shortness of breath. The period of acute symptoms can usually last no more than four days. Himself Bronchitis can be cured in 10 days. However, it is worth noting that this is happeningOnly if the disease began to be treated on time. Otherwise, the acute form of bronchitis can pass into the chronic, the treatment process is more complicated.
In order to cure bronchitis, it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible, to consume vitamins, and at high temperature use antipyretic agents. One of the mandatory conditions for treatment is bed rest. At a time when the temperature does not increase, you can use mustard plasters, and also rub the area of the breast with special warming ointments. With bronchitis, inhalations are also effective.
In some cases, antibiotics. It all depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. With regard to the choice of a drug for fighting a child's cough, it is best consult a doctor and use only the remedy indicated in the recipe. In no case should you buy drugs of central action, for example, codeine, and even more so give them to your child.
The fact is that the principle of action of such drugs is based on the suppression of the cough reflex, as a result of which the outflow of mucus from the bronchi slows down. In addition, in children such drugs can cause a hallucinogenic effect.
To cure bronchitis, also used expectorants, which include: althae, elecampane, plantain grass, thermopsis and others. The composition of these drugs is alkaloids, so if the patient has anyproblems with the work of the central nervous system, it is better to refuse such medications, so as not to cause complications and atelectasis formation. Despite the fact that most drugs are of vegetable origin, they can cause allergic reaction. Therefore, you do not need to choose medicines yourself. Only the doctor can know which medicine is best for this or that case.
For the prevention of bronchitis in children do not allow long rhinitis, it is also necessary to treat all inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract in time. Adults will be enough refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol, since these habits significantly weaken the body. Also avoid hypothermia and take regular vitamins.
Finally, we will cite several folk remedies that can cure bronchitis. Take 2 tablespoons of juice from the leaves mother-and-stepmother three times a day. In addition, sugar can be added to the juice, which will contribute to a good separation of sputum.
You can also take one tablespoon three times a day juice sage for the removal of inflammation in the nasopharynx.
Take the 500 grams of chopped onions, 50 grams of honey and 400 grams of sugar. Fill all this with one liter of water and cook forfor three hours. Then let the broth cool down, pour it into bottles and put in the refrigerator. The received liquid take in a warm kind on one table spoon 5-6 times a day at a cough, an acute and chronic bronchitis.