How to cure stomatitis

Stomatitis is considered to be the most commona disease that affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. This disease has several varieties, depending on the causes of the onset. In this article, how to cure stomatitis.
First of all, it is necessary to tell on the causes of such a disease. Very often stomatitis accompanies differentInfectious diseases, such as measles or scarlet fever. It can also become a consequence of blood or skin diseases, as well as vitamin deficiency. In addition, stomatitis can occur as a result of chemical exposure to the oral mucosa. Also, the causes of this disease can be attributed excessive drinking, smoking, non-compliance with oral hygiene and long-term use of antibiotics.
It is worth noting that stomatitis is of several kinds:
- allergic;
- vesicular;
- herpetic;
- traumatic;
- aphthous;
- catarrhal;
- ulcerative.
As for the symptoms, patients usually experience some difficulty in eating. There is also an increase in lymph nodes, resulting in a significant general condition worsens. In children, this disease is often accompanied by high temperature. A characteristic feature of stomatitis are painless eruptions in the form of erosions, aphthae and ulcers on the inside of the cheeks and lips. Still it is necessary to note, that at some kinds of disease the plaque which is similar to sour milk can be formed. If the disease has a herpetic character, small ulcers may form around the mouth.
To cure stomatitis, usually prescribe antiviral or antifungal drugs, which the dentist or therapist must determine, depending on the type and extent of the lesion. Remember that improper self-treatment can cause serious complications.
As a rule, when stomatitis does not apply any specific methods of therapy. Usually for effective treatment of patients it is enough to follow a doctor's defined diet and regularly rinse the oral cavity. For the latter are appointed rinsers that have antiseptic properties, for example, infusions of chamomile or calendula, various hydroalcoholic solutions and much more.
To prevent the onset of pain, preparations containing anesthetics are mainly used. Such medicines include ointment "Kamistad", which in its composition has lidocaine. Sometimes it is very helpful to use the most ordinary candies, because thanks to them the salivation increases, due to which the irrigation of the wound is improved and an antiseptic and distracting effect is achieved.
At the end of the last century, the most effective way to treat stomatitis was soap smearing, which is often used for various skin diseases. The only drawback of this method is the coloring of the blue cavity of the mouth.
Do not use iodine in any wayto cure stomatitis, since it can cause severe burns.
Finally it is worth saying that with the first symptoms it is recommended immediately consult a doctor, so that no complications arise. Usually, the treatment of stomatitis takes no more than one week, if you clearly and regularly fulfill the requirements of a doctor.
As prevention of the occurrence of such a disease, we recommend carefully care for your teeth, eat a vitamin-rich meal, and periodically rinse the mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate.