How to cure gastritis
Under a gastritis, as a rule, meaninflammatory-dystrophic changes in the gastric mucosa. This disease can both represent an independent disease, and be caused by other infectious diseases. In this article, how to cure gastritis.

First of all, it should be noted that this disease can be acute or chronic. The reason for the appearance of the first species is usuallyone-time exposure to some strong stimulus, in the role of which some chemicals, drugs or poor-quality food can act. In addition, the cause of acute gastritis can be a metabolic disorder.

As for the chronic manifestation of the disease, it is recurrent inflammatory bowel disease. This type of gastritis most often developsis asymptomatic. Typically, the disease occurs due to a violation of diet, the presence of bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol), long-term use of drugs, chronic stress and a number of other reasons.

The disorders caused by a gastritis, can be shown in the form of weakness, irritability and disruption of the cardiovascular system. Also symptoms of this disease are: heartburn, a feeling of heaviness after eating, abdominal pain, nausea, decreased appetite and anemia.

In order to cure gastritis, usually outpatient course, including diagnostics. As a rule, it lasts about two weeks. Patients are assigned absorbent drugs, analgesic, drugs that normalize acidity in the stomach and improve digestion.

Also, it's worth to talk about eradication (destruction) of the so-called spiraling Gram-negative bacteria, which during the infection infectssome areas of the duodenum and stomach. This type of treatment implies three schemes, which include the intake of various medications, including antibiotics.

In addition, with acute gastritis patient must adhere to a strict diet, which completely excludes coffee, carbonatedbeverages, chocolate, canned goods, alcoholic beverages, spices, spices, fast food, dishes that provoke fermentation (milk, grapes, black bread, etc.), smoked and fried foods, as well as dough products. However, the patient's diet must consist of food that is rich in proteins and vitamins.

During the disappearance of certain symptoms of gastritis, you can gradually move on to a full-fledged diet. Also recommended is the so-called fractional food intake - 5-6 times a day.

Finally, there are several folk methods that can cure gastritis. Take one teaspoon shredded burdock root and pour it into a glass of plain water. Allow it to brew for about 8-12 hours, then strain and take on a third of the glass three times a day for half an hour before meals.

You can also take daily 8 grams of propolis. It should be noted that this substance is useful not only for gastritis, but also for inflammation of the large intestine, as well as ulcers.

Even in the fight against this disease will help leaves of plantain: pour three teaspoons of dried leaves and leave it all infused for 6-8 hours. The resulting infusion, take a third of the glass before eating.

To cure gastritis, with the first symptoms we recommend to consult a dietician or gastroenterologist for the purpose of treatment.

How to cure gastritis
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