Treatment of purulent sore throat in children and adultsPurulent sore throat is a very dangerous disease. If the diagnosis is not made in time and the appropriate treatment is not started, the results will be very deplorable.

A doctor should be engaged in treatment, and this article is not intended to teach you to treat a purulent sore throat.

We will try to tell what kind of disease it is, what is caused, what are its symptoms, what antibiotics are most often used, how to remove painful sensations in children and adults.

Armed with information, you will be able to turn to a specialist in time and competently conduct a dialogue with him.

What is purulent angina?

Angina is a bacterial disease,that the cause of the disease are microbes, most often streptococcal. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, but it can be "picked up" through dishes, fruits, vegetables, etc.

The favorite habitat of streptococcus -mucous tonsils, there they settle down, and the inflammatory process begins to develop. After a while the sick person begins to complain of a chill (which, by the way, quickly passes), headaches and joint pains, aches. To this is added reddening of the tonsils, pain in the throat when swallowing, and then at rest, white purulent coating on the tonsils.

There are several types of purulent sore throat. In follicular type, pus is formed in the thickness of the tonsils, which often leads to complications of the disease. Filled with pus lacunae of the tonsils are characteristic for lacunar angina. It is tolerated by the patient more easily follicular, but often turns into a chronic form.

And, finally, phlegmon sore throat, in whichPurulent melting of the amygdala is observed. The head of the sick person is turned in the opposite side of the inflammation, the pain is sharp. This type of angina requires hospital treatment. Like any bacterial infection, angina is treated with antibiotics, the main thing is to choose the right medicine.

Treatment of purulent sore throat in children: rinsing and antibiotics

The main difficulty in treating children isthat in case of insufficient therapy, the disease can go on into a chronic form, as well as cause joint and heart disease. The sick kid must receive a full course of antibiotic therapy. The choice of the drug depends on the cause of the disease.

Treatment of purulent sore throat in children and adults

So, with streptococcal angina, the mostan effective group is penicillin (Amoxiclav, Ampiox, Amoxicillin). If necessary, they can be replaced with cephalosporins, for example, Ceftriaxone or drugs from the macrolide group. These include Azithromycin, Aziticide, Erythromycin, etc. The drug should correspond to the age of the child, many of them are allowed only from 3 years.

Supplement the antibiotic treatment with rinses. You can rinse with a weak solution of salt, as well as various herbal decoctions: eucalyptus, sage, chamomile. This should be done about once every 2 hours.

Often used such a tool as Lugol. It has an antiseptic effect and relieves sore throat. However, there are a number of serious side effects.

How to treat purulent sore throat in adults

Treatment of sore throats in adults also requirespreliminary study of the causes of the disease. When streptococcal is prescribed penicillins or cephalosporins, with fungal - antifungal drugs, for example, Nystatin. Herpes sore throat requires the use of antiviral agents. The main thing remember: the doctor chooses the antibiotic, and only the doctor.

Avoiding infection is almost impossible, but if you strengthen immunity, avoid hypothermia, then it will be harder to get sick, and even if you have overtaken it, it will be easier.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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