Child's health. How to treat the child correctly?
The health of the child is the most important for the parents. But sometimes the parents themselves, without even noticing, put the health of their baby's blood in jeopardy. More often parents are accepted for treatment of the child independently or refuse reception of the appointed medicines because of mistrust to modern domestic doctors. But the health of the child can not be risked in any case, so let's find out how to treat the child correctly!
Many parents Do not consider a cold at your child a serious illness. If the child is already a schoolboy, then in the absenceHe goes to school to avoid missing the lessons. The parents' conscience is clear - the child will not lag behind the school curriculum. But it is not so easy for a child's immature organism to cope with a cold and it is not necessary to transfer this disease "on legs". The correct solution for a cold is a timely call to the doctor. Only the doctor will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the treatment. And if the doctor prescribes bed rest for a week, then you need to follow it to the end.
Probably the most common way to treat a child's illnesses is do not bring the treatment to the end. The doctor prescribes medicines, but the parents do notwish to follow a course of treatment and give the child medicines only the first few days. Let further the organism consults itself, they consider, there is no need to poison the child with chemistry. Remember that diseases that are not cured completely can, after a while, come back with renewed vigor. So always bring the treatment to the end!
Among modern parents is widespreadthe view that giving antibiotics to a child is extremely dangerous. Well, if you give your child antibiotics alone, then it really can be dangerous for his health. Antibiotics should appoint a doctor! Taking antibiotics is necessary throughout the course of treatment, and not at will.
It is also widely believed that in general drugs do not need to treat a child, since it is solid chemistry. It is believed that it is enough to heal with broths, tinctures and bed rest and the child quickly rises to his feet. But the children's body can not cope with the infectious disease on its own. If your child's doctor prescribes a course of treatment with medications, then you should take this course.
Unfortunately, there are also unscrupulous doctors,who cooperate with pharmaceutical companies for "commission" from each prescribed prescription for their medications. If you believe that the doctor has prescribed certain medications to your child unreasonably, then check with several other doctors to get a more objective picture.
There is an opinion that medicines that have already beenhelped, can be used for every subsequent illness. But in fact, every disease, even with the same symptoms, proceeds in different ways. By giving medicines to a child without a properly established diagnosis, you run the risk of aggravating the disease and causing complications.
By the way, never do not rush to bring down the temperature below 38 °. Slightly elevated temperature is a sign ofThe fact that the body is fighting infection. By knocking down the temperature, you can prevent this process. However, the temperature above 38 ° C undoubtedly should be brought down by antipyretic agents, too high a temperature is dangerous!
Adults like to study self-medication themselves and treat their children in this way. Again, because of the negative experience of communication with our domestic doctors. Parents believe that they know better what medicines should be given to a child, and go to the "assault" of the nearest pharmacy. However, one should always remember that, for example, antibiotics are not "weapons of mass destruction" and treat them far from all diseases. Such a common disease as SARS is not treated with antibiotics.
When treating a child, remember that his health is at stake. Put on it experiments, even from the mostbest motivations, extremely dangerous. Therefore, if your child is sick, ALWAYS contact a doctor. Only a qualified specialist will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
Let your child always be healthy!