Essential oil of mint
Essential oils have been used in medicine and perfumery for more than one century. One of the most famous and useful oils is mint oil. Let's talk about what useful properties possesses essential oil of mint and how to apply it correctly.

For starters it is worth mentioning that essential oil is obtained from many plants of the genus mint - peppermint, peppermint, meadow meadow, mint garden, mint lemon. But usually with mint oil mean peppermint essential oil, which will be discussed in this article.

Useful properties of peppermint have been highly appreciatedin ancient Rome. To create a cheerful mood among the guests, it was customary to rub tables with mint leaves and spray the rooms with mint water. And in the Middle Ages, students were recommended to wear mint wreaths during classes because it was believed that its aroma stimulates mental activity.

Peppermint oil is considered a kind of "classics" in the family of mint essential oils. For its preparation, mint is cut at the momentfull bloom and then subjected to water or steam distillation. For the production of essential oil, both fresh and dried mint are used. To improve the aroma of oil, it is exposed to aging: freshly obtained oil never has a delicate aroma.

Essential oil of peppermint, as well as all other essential oils, possesses antiseptic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action. He also has many other useful properties. Let's dwell on some of them in more detail.

Mint oil has a positive effect on the nervous system. Its aroma will help to cope with anxiety,improve memory, return clarity of thought. Therefore, during examinations or deadlines, you can put in your workplace aroma lamp with peppermint oil. And you can just drop a couple of drops of oil on a handkerchief and inhale its smell in moments of excitement.

With headache, hypotension, nervous exhaustion, you can rub mint oil on the forehead, the back of the head and whiskey. The aroma of mint oil will help to cope with nausea and improve appetite. Inhalations with mint oil are used in the treatment of acute respiratory disease, cough and upper respiratory tract diseases.

Externally peppermint essential oil is used for the care of oily and irritated skin, treatmentinflammations and skin diseases, edema, bruises, frostbite. Also, mint oil helps to cope with the itching that occurs after insect bites. With toothache it can be applied to a sick tooth - in this case, essential oil of peppermint acts as an anesthetic.

Mint oil in small amounts is taken orally for problems with digestion (indigestion, swelling), since it helpsto strengthen peristalsis. When ingested 2-3 drops of oil are mixed with 1 / 2-1 tsp. honey, dilute the mixture in half a glass of warm water and drink three times a day after meals. You can instead drink mint tea - pour a dessert spoonful of fresh mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes and drink a glass of tea three times a day after eating.

Using peppermint essential oil inaromatherapy, it is important to remember that it has a very strong flavor. If you try to combine it with other essential oils, the mint flavor will still dominate. For the aroma lamp, 4-6 drops of oil will suffice. By the way, the aroma of peppermint oil repels insects.

For warm inhalation with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, 2-4 drops of oil will suffice, the duration of inhalation should not exceed five minutes. For aromatic use 2-6 drops of oil (do not forget about the emulsifier). For aroma massage Add 4-6 drops of mint essential oil to the base (transport) oil for massage. The same applies to rubbing - for them you need to mix mint oil with a basic vegetable oil.

Please note that essential oil of mint has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to apply it to the skin of childrenless than seven years. Also, the use of oil is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with individual intolerance. Avoid contact with oil in the eyes. Do not spend aromatherapy sessions with mint oil before going to bed, as it has an invigorating effect and can cause an insomnia attack.

Essential oil of mint
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