Ice cream with champagneDo not know what to cook for dessert on New Year's Eve? Laziness to bother with pastries? Give guests ice cream with champagne - easily, quickly, deliciously original!</ p>

Ice cream with champagne

To prepare this New Year's dessert, take:

  • Ice cream - 150 g

  • champagne - 100 ml

  • white grapes

  • ice

  • sprig of fresh mint for decoration

  • Pour a lot of ice into a martini glass (martiniglass) to cool it. When the glass is cool enough, remove the ice from it and gently lay the ice cream. Put white grapes on the ice cream. Pour the dessert with champagne (you can replace it with muscat sparkling wine) and decorate with a sprig of fresh mint. This dessert should be served to the table immediately, until the champagne has not ceased to foam.

    Bon Appetit!

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