Useful properties of sage
Salvia officinalis is a plant thatis known for its useful properties. Sage is actively used in both official and traditional medicine, and its use in cooking is also widely used. About what are the useful properties of sage, tells the Land of Soviets.
Salvia officinalis Is one of many species of plants of the genussage, which in total is about 900. But only this kind of sage, as well as muscatia sage, Spanish salvia, Ethiopian salvia and some other kinds of sage have pronounced beneficial properties.
Used in medicine are usually young leaves of sage, they contain many vitamins, essentialoils, phytoncides. Also, sage medicinal leaves contain tannic substances, natural antioxidants, organic acids and many other useful substances. As a rule, sage leaves are used in dried form for preparation of various broths and infusions.
Useful properties of sage are known for a long time. For example, in Russian folk medicine, sage was used for bronchitis, angina and even pulmonary tuberculosis, it was also known as an effective remedy for edema, radiculitis, atherosclerosis, polyarthritis, as well as for stomatitis and bleeding gums.
Currently sage is used as a bactericide, expectorant, it is recommended to use for inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract,diseases of the stomach, liver, gallbladder. Medicinal preparations based on sage can also be used for purulent wounds and bruises - sage has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Useful properties of sage are not limited to those named. Also sage is known for its haemostatic effect, it reduces sweating, positively affects the overall well-being of women during menopause. In addition, the high effectiveness of sage in the treatment of diabetes mellitus has been proven.
Salvia officinalis, like many other medicinal plants, has a number of contraindications for use. In particular, you can not use broths and infusionssage to pregnant women, as well as with acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Sage is known for its inhibitory effect on lactation, so nursing mothers should not take it inside.
Currently There are many recipes for the preparation of infusions and infusions of sage. At home, it is easy to prepare medicinal products based on sage with the help of such recipes.
For example, the most popular recipe for infusion of sage looks like that. It is necessary to take the dry shredded leaves of sage medicinal at the rate of 1 part for 10 parts of water. Pour boiling water on sage and insist in the thermos for 1 hour. Infusion can be used both internally and externally - according to the doctor.
Useful properties of medicinal sage allowPut this plant on a par with the recognized medicines, but it is important to remember that you can not use infusions and decoctions of sage uncontrollably. Before you start using sage for medicinal purposes, you should always consult a doctor.
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