Useful properties of celery

Celery is a known source of vitamins anduseful substances, it is not for nothing that literally all parts of this plant are used for food: roots, stems, leaves, seeds. Celery is famous for its beneficial effect on human health. Read more about what useful properties of celery, tells the Land of Soviets.
Celery is a common name for the genus of herbaceous plants from the Umbelliferae family. The most common type of celery in vegetable production is celery odorous (Apium graveolens) - this kind of celery is used both in cooking and in folk medicine.
Distinguished petiolate, root, and also leaf celery - fruits of diligent breeding work. All varieties of celery have many useful properties.
Celery celery
In petioled celery, a light juicy stem is used for food, which contains a lot of vitamins. So, the celery stalk is rich in vitamins K, B, C, PP, A, it also contains a lot of fiber, riboflavin, flavonoids, useful minerals such as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron.
Celery stalks have a very low calorie content (only 16 kcal per 100 g), which makes them a very popular product in dietary nutrition. Stem celery should be included in your diet to those who want to lose weight or keep their weight in the norm.
Useful properties of celery celery include diuretic, restorative, antioxidant properties. Celery helps to remove toxins from the body, prevents the development of thrombosis and atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol, calms the nervous system.
Root celery
Celery root - a real storehouse of useful substances, and thereforeit is the root type of celery that is most popular. The root of celery contains many useful minerals (phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium), vitamins (B1, B2, PP, C), oxalic acid, glycosides, furocoumarins.
In folk medicine are widely used water infusions of celery root. Such infusions help with gastritis, ulcerativediseases, they are also used for rheumatism. In addition, the infusion of celery root is considered an effective emollient and anti-inflammatory agent in diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Leaf celery
Leaf celery is most valued in cooking for its fragrant leaves. And not in vain, because in the leaves of celery contains essential oils, which not only provide different dishespleasant aroma, but also have a beneficial effect on human health. For example, infusion of dried celery leaves can be used to treat cuts and wounds, and also celery leaves are known to have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
Useful properties of leaf celery are similar to useful properties of other varieties of this plant. Leaf celery Used to cleanse the body of toxins, to improve immunity, as well as for treatmentGastrointestinal diseases. In dried form, celery leaves retain all their useful properties, as well as their spicy aroma, which makes leaf celery very popular for winter billets culture.