Comfrey officinalis: application and medicinal properties of comfrey
When we remember the comfrey medicinal,its application can be very broad. In this case, the plant is most often referred to as the "jellyfish". Comfrey is very fond of wet peat soil. Therefore, it can often be found near reservoirs, at ulcers, as well as in flood meadows.
Comfrey: medicinal properties
The lively animal is known for its medicinal propertieshas long been. Even in ancient times more than a hundred ailments were treated with the help of a live-eye. And in our time it is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. So, the plant affects the recovery of the epithelium, improving the color of the skin. If we talk about aromatic oils, which include an extract of the livid, they will be an excellent tool for baths with a tonic effect.
An interesting historical fact can be considered that earlier on the territory of Ukraine during the occupation, the comfrey-rubber plant was grown with the purpose to solve the problem of rubber shortage.
Infusions and decoctions of comfrey have this effect:
Decoction of the roots increases not only the tone of the body,but also the appetite. Therefore, the drugs created on its basis, show high efficiency in peptic ulcer diseases, digestive disorders and many other ailments. Even with oncological diseases, the comfrey helps to reduce the symptoms of inflammation.
Comfrey: application in folk medicine
In folk medicine, thepopularity. It is used to prepare decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, powders and ointments. Inside the drug is used when it is necessary to fight with a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
A comfrey is a very effective remedy when it comes to treating bronchitis, tuberculosis and dysentery. As a compress, the plant helps with thrombophlebitis, bone fractures, bruises.
Speaking about the external application, we must remembertreatment of purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, inflammation of the oral cavity, arthritis and sciatica. In addition, with oncology of the lungs, mammary glands and the prostate, the comfrey slows the appearance of metastases in the bone tissues.
The virulence of life and contraindications
The plant, although considered a good "healer"copes with a variety of diseases and has great merits before the national medicine, does not lose its virulence. This reason is the basis of the fact that in many Western countries, it is forbidden to use the live stream at the level of the official medical industry.
So, as this representative of the healing florait is poisonous, it is necessary to accept it or him it is especially cautious, being observed at the doctor. The main contraindication is hypotension. Due to the fact that the comfrey helps to lower the pressure, it can not be drunk to people who have this problem. In addition, it is impossible to be treated by the livebearer to pregnant women, children and those who have an individual intolerance.
Treatment of osteochondrosis
To do this, you need to clear andmeat grinder plant. It would be even better to crush it in a mortar. Fill with moonshine in a 1: 3 ratio. We keep the can in a dark place at room temperature. On the day 5-6 times shaken. From 3 to 7 days insist means. We keep it until three years, until it becomes brown.
The ready tincture perfectly helps with osteochondrosis, if it is applied in the form of compresses and rubbing.
Treatment of genyantritis
We put on the cotton wool infused on the moonshine rootcomfrey (two tablespoons) and apply to the forehead. Repeat this two nights in a row. For those who have inflammation closer to the sinuses, you need to apply the drug there. Before using, be sure to consult a doctor, as the ailment is serious, and folk recipes are sometimes too few for quality therapy.