How to draw a bird in pencil: in stages for children
Draw a bird is a task that often gets upin front of children and their parents. Sparrows, crows, jackdaws, nightingales, bullfinches, eagles, tits and other birds are common objects in children's albums. There is also a place for unusual characters - firebirds and Angry Birds. However, everything is not as difficult as it sometimes seems for beginning artists. Using visual lessons and step by step, step by step, you can make a qualitative and clear picture. After several training of drawing the birds the child will get better.
Step-by-step lessons in drawing birds
Lessons of drawing birds with step-by-step photos for beginners will help artists master the art of creating birds on paper.
Wintering bird: drawing a sparrow
Among the wintering birds, sparrows are the most popular. Create a picture of such a bird is quite simple, if you act step-by-step.
It is necessary to draw an elongated oval. This is the base of the bird's torso.
In the upper part of the workpiece you need to draw a figure with rounded contours. It will be a head. Several smooth lines are drawn from below. This is the tail of a wintering bird.
Then the beak is clearly drawn.
Then you need to create contours of the contours of the breast, the wing and execute the eye.
It is necessary to draw a pencil with the paw of a sparrow.
It remains only to paint the drawing using colored pencils or markers. If you want, you can use paints.
Bird in flight: draw a seagull
The process of drawing a bird in flight is much easier,than it seems. Even a child can cope with the task. To begin with, you will need to draw a circle that will become the head in the future, and the body of the bird. The bottom and top of the trunk should get a little sharp. Roundness is not needed here. Then the eye and the beak are drawn, after which the contours of the circle must be erased with an eraser.
Now we need to draw a sweep of flying wings andtail. The wing, which is located closer to the right edge of the paper sheet, should be much larger and longer than the second and the body. You do not need to melt!
Next, you need to draw paws and wings. The first must be depicted folded tightly to each other.
Then we need to draw the lines from which the hip will turn out. For this, the contour is from the seagull's paw down. Further, feathers on the tail and wings of the bird are depicted.
It is necessary to remove all unnecessary contours.
It remains to draw a shadow. The wings of the bird in flight should be made almost black and greatly darken the seagull bottom. Plus, the shadow also falls on the body. On the second wing, located closer to the left edge of the sheet, you should slightly outline the outlines of feathers along the entire length. Similar contours need to be done on the body and near the head.
Angry Birds (Angry Birds)
To draw a bird Engry Berdz with a child,first you need to make a kind of scheme. For this purpose, the drawing begins with a circle. In its center, draw a polygon outline. Then it will be the beak.
Now you need to make eyes. This detail should be deliberately voluminous and at times exceed the necessary ratios for such a small head of the game character.
The beak is drawn, and under the eyes it is necessary to make "bags". This is an essential attribute of the blue character AngryBird.
In the upper part of the circle, draw a miniature tuft. From below, a small tail of a fairy bird is represented by smooth and precise lines.
It remains to finish the drawing process and erase all the extra circuit contours and color Engry Bird in accordance with the features of this game character.
This master class is designed to help in drawing tits.
Draw a circle: this is the future head. Straight lines make sketches of the titmouse.
We attach the necessary outlines to the bird's head. We make the beak of the tit and draw the eye in the right upper part of the head.
We make the contours of the titmouse more distinct. The head should flow very smoothly into the body. We draw the abdomen rounded. Auxiliary lines are removed.
Now draw a twig. We depict the wing of a titmouse and the upper part of the legs of a bird.
We finish the image of the feet. Draw the fingers and tail.
We drop the boundaries of the transitions of flowers in small, jerky lines. We draw feathers on the wing and tail.
We finish the work: we shade the head and tail of the titmouse. We paint small feathers where necessary.
Thanks to this master class, it is possible to draw step by step a completely nice and realistic woodpecker. MK will help adults and children who have decided to master the technique of drawing birds.
Schematically create contours of the head and trunk of the future woodpecker. At the same time, a sheet of paper should be divided into four parts.
A sketch of the tail and beak of the bird is also sketched out.
Now we need to draw a general outline of the trunk of the depicted object and its head.
We are engaged in creation of details and their distinct drawing: eyes, beak, feathers, wings, etc.
We finish work on the nuances and erase all the auxiliary elements.
We shade with simple pencil all necessary sections according to the natural coloring of the woodpecker's plumage.
The proposed detailed MC will help beginners to draw their own very attractive bullfinch.
Before starting work, divide the sheet into four segments. This will help to draw a sketch correctly. Draw, as in the picture below, 3 circles. This is the basis of the future bullfinch.
Further, a common contour of the image is created by smooth lines.
Circle the pre-created silhouette of the bullfinch.
Draw the paws of the bird and tail. We create recognizable details of the bullfinch. Do not forget about the eye. We erase all unnecessary lines.
We add small details of the feet and the feather of the bullfinch.
We obscure all necessary areas.
Using the step-by-step instruction belowyou can easily depict magpie. Following the recommendations and using as a guide pictures, the bird will certainly work even for beginners.
First draw a circle. From it we form the head of the future magpie, drawing the beak and eye.
We make a sketch of the silhouette of the magpies. At this stage it is important not to forget about observing the proportions of the picture.
We guide the form of the body magpie.
Draw a tail, paws, wings.
We depict other details. We form the outline of the Magpie color separation.
We make the plumage of the bird on the lower contour. We represent feathers and erase all unnecessary.
Shade all the areas in accordance with the Magpie plumage.
As you can see, draw a bird in pencil step by stepdoes not represent anything particularly difficult. Tips for beginners will help to cope with the task in several steps. Such drawing lessons will appeal to both the child and the adult. After all, the image will certainly turn out to be clear, realistic and original.