Children's drawing on the theme of Autumn pencil and paints in kindergarten and school 1-5 class, master classes with step-by-step photos and videos

Golden Autumn is a traditional theme for drawingsonly in kindergarten, but also in junior school. As a rule, such thematic drawings are executed with colored pencils, gouache or watercolor paints. Well, the main subject of drawings on the theme "Autumn" is the most vivid and unshakable attributes of this season - autumn leaves. And it can be as separate leaves, and the whole bouquets from them, autumn trees or the whole forest landscapes. Supplement such a child's drawing on the theme of "Autumn" can be other autumn elements, for example, the key of flying birds or fruit and vegetable harvest. In our today's article, we have collected three step-by-step master classes for you with photo drawings on the theme "Autumn", which are suitable for kindergarten and primary school (grades 1-5).
Drawing on the theme "Autumn" in kindergarten, a step-by-step master class with a photo
The first master class we offer youto master, is ideal for the smallest artists - pupils of kindergartens. The pattern for the autumn theme, described below, is made with gouache or thick acrylic paints. But the most important attribute of this master class is dry autumn leaves of different shapes. How the leaves will be used in the drawing on the theme "Autumn" for kindergarten learn from the step-by-step master class with the photo below.

Necessary materials for the picture on the theme "Autumn" for the kindergarten
broad brush
dry leaves of different species of trees
Step-by-step instruction for a master class of children's drawings on the theme "Autumn"
Autumn leaves will serve as a kind of stampsfor drawing, so it is advisable to take the leaves of different types of trees - so the finished drawing will turn out to be more interesting. The leaves are dry, but rather elastic. Apply a brush on the inner surface of the leaf a thick layer of paint. Photo 22On a note! To make the drawing even more colorful, apply a few different colors on one leaf.
We keep our "stamp" for the tail and carefully transfer the paint to the paper. We will paint the autumn tree, so we will form the leaves of its crown. Photo 23
We transfer the colors from different leaves, gradually filling most of the paper. As a result, you should get a large, lush and colorful crown. Photo 24
We let the paints dry a little and startdraw a tassel with brown paint trunk and branches. Done! Thanks to such an interesting technique, the drawing turns out to be very original - the leaves-stamps not only give shape, but also leave beautiful 25
Drawing on the theme "Autumn" for children 1-5 classes, a step-by-step master class with a photo
Autumn theme is also relevant for drawing lessonsin primary school. Most often pupils of grades 1-5 are given the task of drawing autumn landscapes. Our next drawing on the theme "Autumn" is just such a step-by-step master class for children of grades 1-5. It details how to draw an autumn tree, which can be both an independent drawing, and a basis for a children's landscape.

Necessary materials for the drawing on the theme "Autumn" for children of grades 1-5
colour pencils
Instructions for the master class drawing on the theme "Autumn" for children 1-5 grades
With a simple or black pencil, we plan in the middle of the sheet the basis of the future tree trunk.
Then we draw the branches of branches in simple lines. First, draw large branches, and already from them form thin small twigs.
Around the resulting template draw a silhouette of the crown.
We add a tree of details: draw the volume of the crown, simulate a few strokes of the relief of the bark and leaves.
Let's turn to painting our drawing. We begin with the barrel, which is filled with strokes in a brown pencil.
To the crown turned out to be more voluminous, we will decorate it with several colors. For example, the boundaries of the crown can be filled with a red pencil.
Then fill the middle part of the crown with orange and yellow flowers. Photo 9 It was left to decorate the fallen leaves in different colors and our picture on the theme "Autumn" for children of grades 1-5 is ready!
Children's drawing on the theme "Autumn" in pencil - how to draw "Autumn sunset" in stages
The next master class of children's drawing onAutumn theme is carried out with the help of wax pencils. The main theme will be autumn sunset, against which grows a lonely tree that has already managed to discard all the leaves. This master class of children's drawing on the autumn theme with pencil "Autumn sunset" is suitable for children from 7 years.

Necessary materials for the drawing on the theme "Autumn" in pencil
wax pencils (black, orange, yellow, red, white)
Instructions for drawing "Autumn sunset" in pencil
Fill the entire surface of the sheet with a yellow pencil, drawing wide horizontal strokes.
Then, using a small piece of cotton wool or just a finger, rub the pencil into a light haze.
On top of drawing such strokes, but already with an orange pencil.
By the same technique we rub them and from above we put on the middle of the sheet a line of red color.
Gently rub the pencil so that there are no visible transitions and lines.
Bottom with black pencil we paint the soil, making the ground a relief and heterogeneous. Around the middle, we make a small hollow.
In the lower right corner, we begin to draw our lonely growing tree. Its height and size are adjustable at our discretion.
In the hollow with a white pencil draw the silhouette of the sun, which sits beyond the horizon.
In the end, we draw a flock of birds flying to the south. Done!