Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands made of natural materials. Crafts "Gifts of Autumn", ideas for kindergarten and school
Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" are traditional exhibitsvarious thematic exhibitions and fairs taking place annually in kindergartens and schools in the beginning of autumn. As a rule, such hand-made articles are made of natural materials: cones, leaves, flowers, vegetables and fruits. There is among them a separate category of crafts on the topic "Gifts of Autumn", which are more practical in nature, so with their help, for example, you can decorate the home interior. In our today's article, we have collected for you several original master classes for making crafts "Gifts of Autumn" from simple natural materials. We hope that guided by step-by-step instructions from the photo, you can create very interesting crafts with the children.
Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands for kindergarten, master class with photo
Our first master class with a photo of the handicrafts onthe theme of "Gifts of Autumn" is perfect for the youngest children - pupils of a kindergarten. In it, we suggest you make a very bright applique from pumpkin seeds. The main material for this craft will serve pumpkin seeds, adorned in the traditional colors of autumn - red, orange, yellow. How to make an original hand-made "Gifts of Autumn" with your own hands for a kindergarten from pumpkin seeds learn from the master class below.
Necessary materials for crafts "Gifts of Autumn" from pumpkin seeds for kindergarten
pumpkin seeds
gel food colors of different colors
PVA glue
simple pencil
Step-by-step instruction for crafts "Gifts of Autumn" for a kindergarten of pumpkin seeds
The first thing we'll do is pumpkin seeds: they need to be slightly dried in an oven or on a frying pan. Then we spread about the same number of seeds on the bags and add a few drops of dye of different colors to each packet. We tie up the packets, shake it vigorously and pour it on a newspaper or a plate for drying.
On a note! If you do not have gel food colors, you can replace them with powder. Another option: to color the seeds with their own hands with ordinary paints.
While the seeds dry, we willapplications. In fact, in this technique, you can draw absolutely any picture. But since we make an article on "Gifts of Autumn", the easiest option for children is the autumn tree. Therefore, we draw a silhouette of a tree on paper.
Then paint the branches and trunk of our tree inBrown color. The fastest way to do this is with the help of paints and brushes. But if the child is more comfortable working with pencils or markers, then you can use them. Wait until the drawing dries.
Now we pour a little glue into a convenient container, take a dry brush and begin to form the crown of our tree. To do this, carefully glue the colored seeds around the branches.
To make the applique look complete, we glue several seeds under the tree, imitating a real fall leaf fall. Done!
Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands to school, a step-by-step master class
In elementary school crafts on the topic "Gifts of Autumn"do a variety of things. But, probably, the most popular are figurines of animals from natural materials, for example, vegetables or pine cones. First, it is one of the most accessible and simple materials. Secondly, on the basis of cones you can make a lot of different animal figures. For example, further you will learn how to make original handmade gifts of Autumn from your own pine cone to your school (step-by-step master class with a photo).
Necessary materials for crafts "Gifts of Autumn" to school with their own hands
Pine cones
artificial eyes
pieces of different fabrics
Step-by-step instructions for crafting "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands to school
So, in this master class for a school exhibitionwe suggest you make a lovely forest bird of cones. As an option, such crafts can be made several pieces and then from them already draw up a large installation. First of all, we make the workpiece of the beak, tummy, paws and wings. For each part of the body we will choose our fabric (different in color and texture) and cut out the desired workpiece from it.
We will make wings in the form of leaves, for a beak we will cut out an oblong rhombus, and the belly of our bird will become a bright circle. Ready-made blanks with the help of the glue "Moment" we attach to the trunk - a pine cone.
It remains to attach eyes to our bird. They will also be fixed with glue.
On the same principle, you can make a couple or three different colored birds and come up with some kind of installation. For example, fasten them to a branch of an autumn tree or lay them in a nest.
Crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands made of natural materials, master class with photo
Our next master class with step-by-step photoswill tell you how from the available natural materials you can make an original decor for the house with your own hands - a wreath at the door. This craft can be called "Gifts of Autumn", as it will be based on acorns. Quite suitable for such crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands and other natural materials, such as chestnuts or nuts.
Materials for crafts "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands made of natural materials
Instructions for a master class for making a wreath "Gifts of Autumn" with their own hands
Before you start the design of the wreath, you need to prepare the acorns: remove the hats, rinse under running water and send to the oven to dry.
From dry straw or thin branches we form the basisfor a wreath. Diameter of the circle is chosen based on the wishes and the number of acorns. We fix the circle with threads or a thin rope. From above densely to each other paste the cooled acorns, filling evenly the entire surface of the wreath.
Give the crafts to dry for a day.
Then color the wreath in your favorite color and attachwide satin ribbon to hang a wreath on the door or in front of the fireplace. Done! We hope that our step-by-step master class with a photo of natural materials will inspire you to the interesting crafts of "Gifts of Autumn". Be sure to use these ideas for handicrafts for your kindergarten and school.