Gifts of Autumn: Autumn Collage with Your Own Hands
If you have children of preschool or youngerschool age, you are familiar with the painful question that arises before you at every beginning of the academic year: what crafts do you make in the garden or school for the holiday of autumn this year? Our today's master class will help you solve this problem.
In the creation of our proposed collage-collageyou will be involved, and you, and your children, and it will take very little time to make it. It will be both useful joint work and exciting evening leisure with the family. You will need to weld the house mass for modeling, before starting to create a collage.
Why, you ask, make your own plasticine,if it can be bought in the store? "Try once, and you will understand the difference." Home clay is soft, not sticky, there are a lot of it and you are sure that you used safe ingredients in its manufacture. So, we proceed!
Necessary materials:
- 1 cup of flour;
- 1/4 cup of salt;
- 2 teaspoons of tartar powder;
- 1 tablespoon vegetable oil;
- 1 glass of water;
- food colorings (optional);
- sheet of cardboard;
- flowers, nuts, leaves, cereals, pasta and other materials to create an autumn collage at your request.
Mix in a saucepan flour, salt, powder of winestone, vegetable oil, add food coloring. Pour a glass of water and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Put on a weak fire and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens.
Sprinkle a lot of flour, get it out of the pan andstir, adding a little flour, until the dough stops sticking to the fingers, and the consistency will resemble a well-softened clay. The whole process will take you more than 10 minutes. Always keep the ready dough for molding in a plastic sealed box or in a plastic bag in order to prevent drying.
Now that the dough is ready, proceed to thecreating an autumn collage. Put a layer of dough on the cardboard sheet and show the kid how to fix in it the details of the "autumn forest", or "autumn garden". Baby handles will readily take up this work. Do not limit the child to a fantasy.
The result of painstaking work will be a voluminouscomposition, about a plan, as in our photos. Now you can put it in a place of honor in the baby's room or take it to a kindergarten to participate in crafts in the autumn works competition.
Author: Masha Larina