Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Every fall in kindergartens and schools passfestive events dedicated to the beginning of autumn. As a rule, almost all of them can not do without thematic exhibitions, which demonstrate the work of schoolchildren and kindergartners, timed to this time of year. Very many children's crafts with their own hands are made using natural materials, which is especially important at this time. Most often, all kinds of drawings, applications and crafts make of autumn leaves - the most affordable and in many ways unique material. Our today's article is devoted specifically to hand-made articles made of leaves, step-by-step master-classes with photos of which you will find further. These simple and beautiful crafts made of leaves on the theme "Autumn" for children are suitable not only for exhibitions, but will also become an excellent home decor.

Hand-made of leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for children, a master class

The first hand-made of leaves on the theme "Autumn" at alla small child to perform one's own hands will not be easy. Therefore, we recommend this option together with parents, teachers or older children. The main feature of this craft for children on the theme of autumn is that it has not only a decorative, but also a practical character. A ready vase of leaves, which you can do by step-by-step master class below, will be an excellent element Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Materials for children's crafts from the leaves with their own hands on the theme "Autumn"

  • maple leaves

  • a bowl

  • food film

  • sponge or brush

  • glue

On a note! The leaves can be any, but it is the multi-colored leaves of the maple that will give our craft the necessary refinement inherent in this vase.

Instruction for a master class on a children's hand-made leaf from their own hands on the theme "Autumn"

  1. Take a bowl or a deep plate and turn it overits upside down. We wrap the food film pretty tightly - this will be the frame for our vase from the leaves. Instead of a food film, you can take an ordinary plastic bag and fix it with a double-sided tape.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  2. We take the glue and begin to glue the leaves, but not tobasis, and to each other, repeating the shape of the bowl. Try to avoid getting the adhesive on the film, otherwise you risk ruining the finished product. Therefore, put the leaves tightly one on one, making an overlap of about half.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  3. We give the first layer a little dry (you can dry it with a hair dryer) and start applying the leaves in the second layer using the same technique.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  4. We wait until the glue grabs and dries. We rewind the bowl on top of a layer of food film or put on a bag.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  5. We leave our craft from the leaves until it dries completely. Then remove the film and use a unique vase from autumn leaves.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildrenCrafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Hand-made of leaves "Sunflower" for kindergarten, master-class with step-by-step photos

Next master class of crafts made of leaves"Sunflower" is ideal for kindergarten. The very process of making crafts is very useful for small handles, since working with seeds and small details contributes to the development of fine motor skills in children. In addition, this is a very funny piece of art, which is very simple to create even with the smallest kindergartners. How to make an original hand-made from the leaves "Sunflower" for the kindergarten read further.

Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Materials for crafts "Sunflower" from leaves for kindergarten

  • autumn leaves

  • plasticine

  • cardboard

  • sunflower seeds

  • scissors

Instruction for a master-class for making a leaf from a kindergarten "Sunflower"

  1. First of all cut out of a thick cardboard circle. Its diameter can be different, so be guided by the desired size of the sunflower.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  2. Take plasticine (you can mix) and apply it evenly enough thick layer on the entire surface of the circle. We need to achieve a layer approximately 1 - 1.5 cm thick.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  3. On top of the edge of the workpiece lay out the leaves. It is advisable to take bright yellow leaves of oblong form, which visually resemble petals of a flower of a sunflower.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  4. We fix the leaves with another layer of plasticine. For this, we impose plasticine with a thin layer about 1/4 the length of the leaves. Photo 11

  5. Let's turn to the design of our sunflower seeds. To do this, carefully place the seeds on the outer circle. We move in one direction. Photo 12

  6. Gradually, moving around the inner circle, fill the entire surface of it. Photo 13

  7. We try not to leave empty places and bald spots. For this, the seeds are stuck into the clay very tightly to each other. Done! Photo 14

Crafts from leaves on the theme of autumn to school (1st class), master class "Bouquet of roses"

Flowers from autumn leaves? Easily! Just a magnificent bouquet of "roses" can be made with your own hands from the most ordinary maple leaves. To make such an article on the theme of autumn even more spectacular, we recommend selecting medium-sized leaves with bright colors, for example, red ones. If we talk about the use of this craft by the name of "Bouquet of roses", then this is an excellent option for the school, for example, for the fall festival in the 1st grade. How to make a luxurious hand-made of leaves on the theme of autumn "Bouquet of roses" in school for 1 class learn from the master class below.

Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Materials for the master-class crafts from the leaves "Bouquet of roses" for the school

  • maple leaves

  • adhesive tape

  • scissors

  • branchlets

Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Step-by-step instruction for crafts from the leaves "Bouquet of roses" for grade 1 in school

  1. Take the leaf and bend its middle part inside, as in the photo below.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  2. Then, in the same way, we bend the remaining parts, forming the core of the future rose. We take the second leaf and again bend the middle part inside.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  3. We put the core on the second leaf so that it holds its weight with the bent edge and repeat.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  4. Again, take the sheet and again form out of it bends, imitating the petals of roses. We continue until we see that the rose is ready.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  5. Apply a thin twig to the base of the flower. We take an adhesive tape, preferably green, and connect both parts of the workpiece into a single flower. In passing, we wind the branch along the entire length, forming a stem of the rose from it.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  6. Adjust the number of roses at your discretion. But to get a really beautiful bouquet, we recommend making at least five separate flowers.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Handmade "Crown" from the leaves of trees with their own hands, master class with photo

Our next work is made of autumn leaves underthe name "Crown" is quite practical and simple thing. First, such a crown can easily be made even with preschoolers. Secondly, it is suitable for both a thematic exhibition, and for a theatrical performance or a children's game. And thirdly, absolutely every crown made for this master class will be unlike any other. Learn more about how to make your own hand-made articles from the leaves "Crown" can be further.

Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Required materials for the master-class crafts from the leaves "Crown"

  • autumn leaves from trees and bushes

  • dry flowers

  • waxed paper

  • glue

  • Scotch

  • scissors

Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

Instructions with step-by-step photos for the master-class on the handmade "Crown" from the leaves with your own hands

  1. First measure the volume of the baby's head with sewingcentimeter in order to know the size of the future crown. Then add to the resulting number of 2 cm and proceed to the formation of the base of our crown. As it is easy to guess, we will make it from thick paper or soft cardboard. We measure on the paper the length obtained during the measurement, and the width will be chosen, guided by the size of our leaves: the wider and longer the leaves, the wider should be the base. For example, if you take walnut leaves, the width of the base should correspond to 2/3 of their length. Cut the workpiece according to the measurements and form a circle, fix it with adhesive tape.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  2. Now go to the design. As already mentioned above, not only dry leaves from trees, but also leaves from bushes, dried flowers and other gifts of autumn will suit for decoration. First, place them along the entire length of the crown to determine its "pattern." After that, you can fix the leaves with the help of glue. It is best to take a glue like PVA, but it will only hold if the leaves are well dried.Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

  3. Done! As you can see, this master class is very simple to execute. But at the same time, crafts made from leaves that are produced at the outlet are original. In addition, such crowns will be interesting to make and with the kids in kindergarten, and at school with pupils of 1-2 classes. We hope that our versions of crafts on the theme "Autumn" will inspire you and your children to create with your own hands! Crafts from leaves on the theme "Autumn" with their own hands for schoolchildren

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