Iberis from the seeds

Picking up the planting material for alpineslides, do not bypass your attention unpretentious, it is a very cute flower called the wall. If you collect information about him on the Internet, then type in the search engine words: puncher or raznopleyostka. Behind such completely different names hides the same plant.

It is easy to grow Iberis from seeds, and there is almost no need to take care of it.

Species and varieties

There are annual and perennial wall types:

1. Evergreen. It grows up to 25 cm, while the diameter of the bush can reach 60 cm. To understand the beauty of this flower, you need to purchase the most decorative variety - "Snowflake". Flowering begins in May and lasts about a month. White matte petals form dense umbrellas, which completely cover the leaves, exuding a pleasant aroma. The diameter of one inflorescence reaches 5 cm. A perennial wall can bloom a second time, if after cutting off the umbels shoots are cut off, leaving one third of the length.

2. Umbrella. This species is an annual plant. Despite the fact that it has to be sown every year, it has not lost its popularity among the florists. Dense low bushes (25 cm) turn into a colorful bloom (July-September) in colorful balls: white, pink and red. The most expressive among the annual varieties is the Iberian "Iceberg". Its large inflorescences resemble, rather, the hats of hyacinths than small umbrellas.

3. Gibraltar. This flower is considered a juvenile plant, and, in fact, is a two-year plant. He will live on your flower beds for only a couple of seasons. The variety "Chameleon" is attractive because when flowering it changes the color of the petals from the lilac to the white.

Cultivation from seeds

Having grown Iberis from seeds, it is possible to receive at once a lot of planting material.

The work should be done in late autumn or early spring. The temperature, which is necessary for seed germination, is about + 17 degrees.

Seeds must be sown immediately to a permanent place: on the Alpine hill, rockery or retaining wall. The most optimal distance between the bushes of Iberis evergreen is 15-20 cm.

Follow the crops that were carried out during the winter, in the spring they can attack a cruciferous flea. To prevent this, you need to constantly moisten the soil.

To flowering continuously throughout the summer, the seeds of the iberus umbrella sejte several times: in April, May and June.

In order to start to admire the one-year-old wall in May, it is necessary to grow seedlings on a windowsill or in a greenhouse by sowing seeds in March.

The wall is perfectly combined with such plants,As lavender, phloxes are spread out and subulate, pinnate cloves, etc. Plant it in flowerpots, on slides, retaining walls, and also form a cute border of it.

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