
Havortia is a compact succulent thatgrows in the form of an outlet and, in practice, does not have a trunk. If you touch her bumpy leaves with your hands, it seems that they are made of plastic. No matter how hard you try, you will hardly be able to grow a succulent more than 12 cm.

On the leaves you can determine from which placesrelocated to us Haworthia. If they are rigid and have a hilly surface, this means that it lived in arid regions. And the one whose leaves are smooth and fleshy, grew on moist soils. Based on this, it is determined which watering is needed for the plant.

Types of haworthia

Approximately 150 species of haworthy exist in nature. To describe everything within the framework of our format is impossible, so let's just talk about those that are most common in indoor floriculture:

1. Havortia striped has a rosette diameter of about 15 cm. Its leaves are narrow, dark green, the outer side of which consists of transverse grooves, painted white. In appearance Haworthia fasciata resembles aloe, but only small in size. Flowers are small, whitish arranged on a long thin brush.

2. Havortia pearl forms a more compact rosette - about 9 cm. Its leaves are lanceolate, triangular, pointed at the ends, dotted on both sides. Because the flowering in Haworthia is faded, at which nutrients are wasted without benefit, the just thrown arrow with the buds should be immediately removed.

3. Limestone haworthia differs from the striped species in that its leaves are wider in width, but lower in height. The rosette is also smaller, about 10 cm. The hilly strips are located not only on the outer, but also on the inner plate of the leaf.

How to care for havortiya

In order for the plant to develop well, it needs light, and it is bright and diffuse at the same time. If you leave it under the hot rays of the sun, the leaves will immediately change their color.

To water succulent should be moderate, after it has completely dried earth.

In winter they translate Haworthia, practically, into drycontent: once every two months. But this is if the temperature of the air in the room in which the pot is located does not exceed 10-12 ° C. With a hotter content: let the earth dry, wait a couple of days and only then pour a flower.

Approximately 2-3 years havortiyu transplanted into one andthe same pot, change only the substrate. It can be done independently, mixing sand, sheet humus and turf ground in the same proportion. Here you need to add crushed brick.

The plant gives many lateral daughter processes, which easily take root.

If your collection has several typessucculents, put them in one wide, but low pot. Sprinkle the soil with fine gravel, and you will get a nice composition from unpretentious indoor flowers.

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