Care of the arrowrock at home: photos, video
Maranta represents a unique variety of indoor plants, which differ oval large leaves of a juicy-green color (see photo). The native land of the arrowroot is tropical forests of America and Brazil.
And even despite such a southern origin,this flower perfectly feels in our region. Naturally, it requires careful and regular care, although you can not name an overly capricious plant.
Care of the arrowrock at home
So, caring for the arrowrock, as in the photo and video,be aware that the temperature in the apartment should be maintained in the warm season within 20-25 ° C, and in autumn and winter at a temperature of 17-18 ° C. The greatest danger to the plant is drafts and cold supports.
Under such unfavorable conditions, the flower leavesquickly wither and fall off. It is also not recommended to place the arrowroot in the sun, and in the conditions of complete shade its leaves are deprived of attractive bright paint. The ideal place for this indoor plant is the middle of the room.
When there is a lack of lighting during the winter periodthe flower can be transferred to the windowsill. The arrowroot is watered not according to the schedule, but according to the state of the soil in the pot. The soil should be slightly dried. It's no secret that in summer the earth dries very quickly, which is why the frequency of watering in the warm season increases.
In winter, watering the soil of the arrowroot must be alternated withspraying the leaves. Feed the plant in winter and in summer with special mineral fertilizers in proportions of 1: 1 (1 gram of fertilizer per 1 liter of water). This solution of arrowroot is watered every two weeks. If care of the arrowroot at home (see photo and video) is correct, then the plant blooms in the summer. His pale pink flowers in the spike simply can not remain indifferent.
Reproduction of the arrowroot
The most common method of reproduction of the arrowrootin house conditions represents the cuttings. For its implementation, it is necessary to prepare cuttings and place them in the soil, after which it must be covered with a packet. Instead of the package, you can also use a cut plastic bottle or a glass jar.

It should be noted that at home,hard to take root, so it is much more effective to take 5 cuttings at once. The humidity should be maximum. In addition to propagation, no less popular way of reproduction of the arrowroot, is the division of the bush. It is used by almost all amateur gardeners. It should be carried out at the end of spring.
Main diseases and treatment of marantha
If the care is wrong, the manantes begin to "ache". Clear signs of the presence of diseases are leaves that have lost their color, their dryness and falling off. In such cases, the plant will be rescued by "cupping" (pruning the leaves to the root). It is worth noting that after this procedure, the bush should be removed to a dark place and abundantly watered.

Within a couple of months, newhefty leaves. For a variety of reasons, the arrowroot can "hurt". Particular attention should be given to the condition of the soil, because the plant is very whimsical in this. For example, if the soil is over-dried, it will lead to the withering away of the roots and the death of the flower as a whole.
If the soil is overcrowded with moisture, the roots quicklyrotting. Always stick to the "golden mean". In the event that you regularly leave, leaving your house plants without proper care, think about how to water this tropical handsome man.
And last, do not forget about pests, in the numberwhich, as the most dangerous for the arrowroot, include a mealybug and a spider mite. The infected plant must be separated from other indoor flowers, and treated with a special solution of the actinel!
Video: How to care for the arrowrock at home?
Author: Katerina Sergeenko