Camellia is an evergreen plant fromfamily of tea. She can grow both in a potted house and in a spacious garden. Thanks to the dense and shiny crown of leaves, the plant looks great at any time of the year, and in the flowering period from the camellia in general it is simply impossible to look away.

Caring for camellia at home

Naturally, for a good growth of camellia is requiredregular care. As far as lighting is concerned, it must be scattered. Moreover, it is additionally recommended that each side of the plant alternately turn to light. This completely excludes "one-sided" growth.

It is forbidden to turn the bush in the periodthe formation of buds, since with an awkward movement they can easily be damaged. In a hot period, the camellia should be taken to fresh air, but only in a place where there is no direct sunlight. In general, the plant should be kept in summer at a temperature of 25 degrees, in winter at 20 degrees.

In the flowering period, experts recommend cleaningplant in cool rooms with a temperature of 12 degrees, otherwise flowering occurs much earlier, and the flowers always have an unattractive appearance: languid, dull, quickly fall off. As for the moistening of the soil, it should be carried out very carefully.

Excessive supersaturation of soil with moisture canlead to decay of roots, but the drying of the soil adversely affects the growth of the camellia. Water this plant abundantly in the summer, but do not fill it. It is better if the air in the room is high humidity.

For this, the stems and leaves of the plant should beregularly sprayed with standing water, although the flowers should not fall on the flowers. Extra fertilization is carried out by special mineral fertilizers every three weeks.

Camellia Reproduction

It is easy enough to multiply the camellia with seeds. They can be sown right after harvesting, as the seeds very quickly lose their ability to germinate. The most ideal soil for sowing is a mixture of peat, sand, and in equal quantities. In order for seeds to ascend quickly, the air temperature should be at least 22 degrees.

In general, seedlings grow within 12 months. Young seedlings are less resistant to unfavorable conditions, although with competent care they develop and grow very intensively. The first flowering occurs in 5-7 years, and sometimes even in 2 years.

As a rule, for the propagation of varietal camellias, it is better to give preference to the vegetative method, namely propagation by cuttings. They are cut in July-August and planted in the prepared soil.

Major diseases and treatment of camellia

Like all garden and indoor plants, camellia,especially with improper care, can get sick. For example, due to the appearance of fungal diseases, gray and black spots appear on its leaves, and brown spots on the petals. With a strong defeat, the plant completely discards the foliage altogether.

For the treatment of such diseases it is necessary to usespecial fungicidal drugs, but it is better to discard the "sick" plant. Excessive moisture in the soil leads to decay of the roots. Oidium is another disease that is common in camellias. It appears in the form of grayish spots on the foliage.

The soap helps to get rid of itsolutions. The camellia is also sensitive to the cucumber mosaic virus, which causes yellowing of the leaf veins. From plant pests, which can be on the bush, it is recommended to conduct treatment with insecticides.

And the biggest problem for camellias isSkosar is single. This type of weevils destroys the roots, which immediately leads to the death of the plant. From the beetle-horseman get rid of by spraying with special pesticides.

Author: Katerina Sergeenko

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