Compositions of balloons with your own hands

To begin with it is necessary to say a few words about balloons. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors. To create a composition, the usual balls are used. There are three sizes of balls that can be used for compositions: the largest - 30 cm in diameter, medium - 22.5 cm, small - 12.5 cm. Using such balls, you can create a large number of different shapes.
Air balloons for compositions are never tied, but simply make an ordinary knot. Practice and you make knots on already inflatedballs. To do this, wrap the end of the ball around the index and middle fingers and pass the tip through the formed loop. Well tighten the knot. Such a knot will perfectly hold the air in the ball, and it will not be blown away for a long time.
Most often of the balloons make floral arrangements. To make a flower, you will need fourmedium-sized ball and one small. Four medium-sized balls must be inflated to the same size. For this, you can simply apply them to each other and thus adjust the value. Each ball must be tied separately. Now tie two balls together with the usual knot - these are the petals of the flower. To form a flower, a pair of bound balls must be twisted with each other. Thus, you will receive a flower with four petals (the so-called "four"). The last small ball is tied to the center of the flower. If desired, such a flower from balls can be decorated with ribbons.
Such standard flowers from balls can be hung on walls or curtains. And on the basis of such a flower can be doneornaments for ceilings - "chandeliers". Taking the already prepared flower as the basis, add to it 4 more large balls. Inflate and fasten them in the same way as the middle balls. Then collect the entire composition. Since the balloons are very light, and the slightest whiff of the breeze or the movement of air in the room can swing the composition, you can draw a little water in the last small ball. Such a load stabilizes the entire composition of the balls.
Another most common form of composition of balls is a garland. It can decorate walls and curtain rods. And locate garlands vertically, horizontally or in any other form. To produce 1 meter of garland you will need a certain number of balls: 16 large, 28 medium and 40 small. It all depends on what size balls you want to use.
To make a garland of balls, you will need to make a "four". Then simply connect them to each other,stringing balls on a ribbon or fishing line. At the end and the beginning of the garland add one inflated ball to beautifully decorate its edges. You can make a one-color garland or two-color. For a striped garland, use a specific color for each element. And for a twisted garland you will need a "four" made of balls of two colors. Do not forget that in pairs it is necessary to bind balls of only one color.
Creating different compositions from balls, you can apply the simulation. For this use not round balls, butlong, the so-called "sausages". Modeling from balls is easy enough, but requires skill and training to perform each figure. From the sausage balls you can make flowers and figurines of various animals.
With these different compositions you can decorate the room, completely transforming it. The main thing is to stock up a lot of balls. So buy immediately a package of 100 pieces. It will be much cheaper than one by one in a store or on the market.