How to make a snowman

New Year's snowman - this is a well-known character for children's cartoons. Made a snowman with your own hands will be an excellent decoration, which can be placed near the festive Christmas tree. Tell you how to make different snowmen.
Snowman of Thread
The snowman from the thread looks very original and festive. Balls, of which the snowman is made, can be made in various sizes. We will tell you how to make a snowman out of thread, and what materials you will need:
- air balloons
- white thread
- PVA glue
- needle
Before you make a snowman out of thread, It is necessary to determine its size and the number of marbles that you will make. Inflate small balloons to size,what should be the part of the snowman. Now you can start work. Thread the thread into the needle. Do not tear the thread from the spool. The needles make two through holes in a plastic bottle with glue and draw a thread through them. At the output, you will get a glued thread.
Begin winding on a thread ball, which constantly passes through the bottle withglue. To make a snowman's ball beautiful, make the skeins in different directions, not forgetting to leave spaces in the winding. When one ball is ready, you can proceed to the next one. Ready balls should dry well (about 5 hours). Air balls that stayed inside, pierce with a needle and gently pull through the holes. All the balls of thread are glued together. Your snowman is ready!
Ready for the snowman, draw your eyes and mouth. From colored paper, you can make a nose and a bucket of snowman on your head. On the neck tie a scarf. To make a snowman a blush, you can use the usual rouge.
Snowman from socks
Christmas decorations for the home are not only of very different shapes. To produce them, you can use a wide variety of materials. We suggest you make a snowman, which can be sewn from ordinary socks. You will need these materials:
- Socks (white and colored)
- wadding
- scissors
- needle
- thread
- felt-tip pen
- colored pieces of fabric
- beads for eyes
How to make a snowman from socks, you ask? Everything is very simple. Fill the white sock with cotton wool. The resulting base is tightened with a thread so that it holds a round shape. With a white thread, divide the base into two almost equal parts. As a result, you should get a snowman consisting of two balls.
From other colored socks you can make a hat, which should also be filled with cotton and sewed tothe head of a snowman. With a felt-tip pen, draw a line of the mouth and where the nose and eyes will be located. From the toe "with fingers" you can cut out the nose of the snowman and sew it. In the same way you can make and buttons snowman. Sew small black beads in place of the snowman's eyes. You can embroider a mouth with threads of a mulina. On the neck tie a scarf. Your snowman is ready.
Ready-made snowmen can be put not only under the tree. They can be left on the table or the windowsill. Near the snowman, you can put small boxes, packed in festive paper. Let the snowman bring a festive mood to your house.