Beads with your own hands: a couple of ideasMaking jewelry is not only interestinghobby, but also a great opportunity to acquire a stylish and exclusive decoration, for example, beads. Today, the Country of Soviets will tell its readers how to do it. beads with your own hands.

Basically, create beads yourself very simple: you just need to string beads on a string or line andtie the ends of the thread to the knot (or fasten the lock if the beads are not very long). Homemade beads are ready. But where to get the beads? Which thread is the best? Which lock to choose? Let's try to find answers to these questions together.

Let's start with beads, because they determineappearance of the future product. Of course, the easiest way to make beads with your own hands from the finished beads or beads, which are sold in stores for needlework. But it is much more interesting when beads are also made by hand. From what you can make beads for self-made beads? Here are just a few ideas:

  • polymer clay: make a plastic long sausage,cut it into the same pieces, roll the balls out of them, insert them into each toothpick and bake the beads, and then cover with varnish; In time you can learn to make not one-color, but "marble" beads;

  • wool: make wool soft and funny beads by the method of dry felting;

  • the cloth: you can sew soft beads from scraps of cloth and stuff them with cotton wool - a great way to let the trimming left over from the needlework;

  • thread: you can crochet smooth monochrome beads;

  • papier mache: balls from wet paper pulp (toilet paper + PVA glue) are pierced with toothpicks, and after drying - they are painted and varnished;

  • sand: no, this is not a joke, how to make original beads from sand, we already wrote in one of our previous articles.

Can combine several techniques and materials, for example, to embroider beads with beads ormake beads by hand from knitted and sewn beads. In general, show imagination and choose for beads those materials with which you are easier and most pleasant to work.

If you plan to make long beads, which you can wear over your head, you will not need a fastener. For shorter beads, you will definitely need a lock. Locks for beads and bracelets are sold in stores that sell fittings for jewelry. They are subdivided into such basic types:

  • screw lock (consists of two halves, one of which is screwed into the other);

  • magnetic lock (two magnetic halves, such a lock is suitable only for very light beads);

  • lock-carbine;

  • lock-pedal;

  • toggle lock.

there is multi-row locksdesigned for beads, consisting ofseveral threads. In principle, if you do not have a suitable lock at your fingertips, you can get by with small blood, at one end, making a loop, and sewing to the second a large bead or button.

In addition to fasteners, you may also need other fittings, for example, crimps (clamps fixing beads at a distance from each other), callots (fittings, fastening and masking knot of thread with beads), corrugated beads of soft metal (close the place where the clasp is connected to the beads).

And of course you will not be able to make beads with your own hands without threads for stringing. For these purposes you can use:

  • jewelry cable: it is made of interwoven metal threads covered with a nylon sheath; it is sturdy, but when folded onto a rope, cracks can remain;

  • kapron or lavsenovuyu thread: preferred line, because it does not stretch and does not break with time;

  • fishing line: thin and strong enough;

  • waxed or leather cord;

  • thin tape.

On the fishing line or jewelery cable beads stringquite simply. If you prefer kapron or lavsenovuyu thread, it is better to string with a needle. Well, in the case of a leather or waxed cord, you need to lubricate its tip with glue or varnish and cut at an angle. In addition, you may need pliers (conventional and with a rounded tip), scissors and nippers for jewelry wire.

Actually, when you got all the materials, you just need to string the beads on the string in random order, fasten the clasp, and beads with your own hands ready!! By combining beads of different shapes, colors and sizes, you can make an original product.

Beads with your own hands: a couple of ideas
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