Snowflakes from beadsSnowflakes from beads can be an excellent decoration for the New YearChristmas tree or a gift-souvenir for many friends. And such snowflakes can be expanded carnival costume. The country of the Soviets will share the secrets of making beaded snowflakes.

For weaving snowflakes from beads you need to take beads №11 (you can have different colors - say white and transparent, white and silver), a white thread or a fishing line and a needle of the appropriate size. And, of course, scissors, then to cut the thread.

First, tie a knot on the thread, cut a piece of thread about 20 cm long and thread the thread into the needle. You can start to weave, but first let's figure it out decoding of schemes of weaving. Our snowflakes from beads will consist of fiveseries. Each row is designated by its color: the first is brown, the second is green, the third is purple, the fourth is blue, and the fifth is red. In the blue row there are beads A (light blue) and B (dark blue). The initial bead in the first row is indicated by a red dot.

Snowflakes from beadsSo, we begin the weaving of snowflakes from beads. We dial 12 beads on the string, close them in a circle, pass the needle through the first bead and then through the remaining 11, we bring the needle out through the same first bead. This will first row.

Snowflakes from beadsNow second row. We type on the thread three beads of the second row. We pass the needle into the third bead of the first row and through it we bring out. It turns out a triangle. We select three more beads, we thread the thread in the fifth bead of the first row and continue to the very end of the row (it should total six triangles). At the end we pass the thread through the first and second beads of the second row and out.

Snowflakes from beadsLet's start third row. We type on the thread five beads. We pass the thread through the top of the second triangle in the second row. We repeat this five more times. At the end of the row, we pass the thread through the first and second beads of the third row and out.

Snowflakes from beadsNext in line fourth row. In this row there are light beads (A) and dark(AT). We type on the thread 1A, 1B, 1A, we pass the thread through the fourth bead of the third row (if we count the fives, it is the fourth in the first five). Now we type on a thread 3B beads, we pass a thread through 7 beads of the third row (it leaves the second in the second five, if we count as five). Bring the thread out, again type 1A, 1B, 1A ... We continue to weave a snowflake on this pattern to the end of the fourth row, at the end we draw the thread through the first bead of this row.

Snowflakes from beadsFinally, fifth row our snowflake from beads. We select five beads per string, pass the thread through the second A bead in the fourth row, the fourth and fifth beads in the third row, the vertex of the second triangle in the second row, the sixth and seventh beads in the third row and the third A bead in the fourth row. Repeat this five more times until the end of the fifth row, pull the thread out and secure. The snowflake is ready!

There are also more simple way to make a snowflake from beads - so to speak, "in a hurry." It is good that there is no need to weave - just simply thread the beads on the wire. You will need beads, beads and bugles, wire (the thickness depends on the diameter of the hole in the beads), wire cutters, a piece of polystyrene and silvery paint.

We cut the wire into segments of equal length - these will be the "rays" of the snowflake. At one end of each "beam" we make a loop of wire that will not allow the beads and beads to fall off. String beads, beads, bugles on the wire in random order. Approximately 7 mm of wire in the end should be left free, without beads. So do the right amount of rays (six or eight).

Take a piece of polystyrene - this will be the middlesnowflakes. You can leave it white, and you can cover it with silver paint. We wait until the paint dries, and symmetrically we stick into the foam plastic rays of the snowflake. Instead of wire, by the way, you can use pins with mother-of-pearl heads - then snowflakes from beads will be more miniature. And do not be afraid to experiment with different combinations of beads and beads - remember that there are no two identical snowflakes!

Snowflakes from beads
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