Watering roses: how to water roses?

Rose is one of the most hygrophilous garden plants, so the correct watering of roses should be abundant. But there is one nuance: the need for roses in water depends on the growth phase of the plant. Thus, during intensive vegetation (the period when buds are budding, shoots and leaves appear, as well as the period after the first flowering, when the first shoots begin to grow), roses are most in need of moisture.
Why is this happening? The fact is that during the growth of a rose (like any other living organism) need a lot of nutrients for normal development. Therefore, any self-respecting horticulturist will provide plants with abundant top dressing. But Without water, fertilizing is simply not assimilated - water serves as a conductor, delivering nutrients to the soil.
If irrigation of roses is insufficient, then any additional fertilizing will be ineffective: plants simply will not receive enough nutrients. In addition, the growth of plants contributes to moisture itself. So without abundant watering can not do.
And what about the rain, you ask? Do I need to water roses if the summer is rainy? Necessarily it is necessary. Even if it rains every day, this moisture is not enough - this watering is superficial. So that rain can not be trusted to water roses, this procedure remains on the conscience of the owner of the garden.
To water roses was quality, you need to create special conditions. When first loosening flowers, raise the edges of the beds, creating an earthen shaft around each bush. Then the water will not drain away when watering.
For watering roses (and all garden colors in principle) you need to use Steady water, heated naturally in a special tank. Cold water from a well or hose for thesegoals do not fit - after such a "shower" flowers can get sick. Irrigation of roses should be infrequent (once a week, in dry hot weather - two), but abundant: 5-10 liters per bush for ground-covering roses and 10-15 liters - for chaff.
It is most convenient to water roses from the watering can, from which the sprinkler was previously removed. It is necessary to pour water directly under a bush, while trying not to fall on the leaves of the plant. For roses, watering from the top is highly undesirable, especially if you are spraying flowers from a hose with a strong jet.
If you prefer to water roses by sprinkling, spraying water on the bushes, you need to observe two important conditions. At first, you can not water roses in a strong heat, especially if the bushes are in direct sunlight: the drops of water remaining on the leaves and flowers will result in multiple plant burns. Secondly, roses can not be watered in the evening. If they do not have time to dry up to night and remain wet in the dark, there is a danger of burning roses with fungal diseases.
After watering you need loosen the soil under a bush. If this is not done, an earth crust will form on the surface, which will prevent the roots from breathing. To get rid of constant loosening will help mulching - covering the soil surface with mulch(organic residues). Thanks to the mulch, the top layer of the soil will always be loose. As mulch, peat can be used, leaf humus, chopped straw or wood bark, with manure reparted.
Autumn watering of roses differs from summer. At the end of summer, the plant's need for moisture decreases, and too much watering will stimulate the roses to further intensive growth. The plant will release young shoots, but by the autumn they will not have time to grow stronger and, most likely, will die in the winter.
If autumn rainy, watering roses can be stopped in September: the precipitation of the plant will be enough. If it turned out warm and dry autumn, the roses still need to be watered once a week, reducing the volume of water by 3-5 liters. Also in the fall, you need to make sure that the soil does not remain dry after the onset of frost.
Pre-winter watering of roses - an important stage in winter preparation. Before the onset of frost roses must be watered very abundantly - at least 30 liters of water per bush.