What is landscape design and why is it needed?

Not all happy owners of country siteshurry to turn to professional designers: someone is embarrassed by the additional financial costs of designing, someone thinks that he does not have such a large territory to seek advice from the masters, someone is certain that he will create the garden of his dreams himself , without anyone's help.

So, you create landscape design with own hands. It would seem that nothing complicated is not there - you canbuy a few original bushes and trees, select the seeds of flowers, and all this planted. But later you will think that it would be nice to make an arbor, a playground, a small pond, an ivy-clad fence, etc. How can we plan everything in such a way that it will not be a simple heap of these objects, but a single complex in style that would please the soul?

The main task of landscape design is effective allocation of the available space and skillful combination of all its elements. To understand what you need, go forbeginning, throughout your territory. Listen to yourself, determine which place you like most, in which part you want to be longer, and in which you feel uncomfortable.

Inspect your site from all sides, imagine in your mind its future appearance, paths, plants, decorative elements. Where the sun shines well, where the shadow, where you can goto determine the arbor, and where the swings for children. Maybe you have a habitual place for dinner with the whole family somewhere under a large, old tree - under it you can put an arbor, in which all your relatives will also be gathered.

Take a picture of your site - often it is from the photo that you can see what, where and how it looks. Pay attention to the color scheme. Maybe you need to add shades, or maybe vice versa, the garden is overloaded with flowers. Often in the coniferous garden only green prevails, so you need to try to plant plants with brightly colored needles or add flowering shrubs.

The garden landscape needs to be planned in such a way that it matches your lifestyle.

It is customary to distinguish such functional zones of the site:

- entrance area (it can accommodate parking, garage),

- residential area (territory near the house),

- a recreation area (it can be an orchard, a gazebo, a pond, a barbecue, etc.)

- economic zone,

- a fruit garden, a garden,

- sports zone (if you are an active way of life),

- Children's playground (on request).

All these zones are usually combined by paths.

It is better to create several variants of the arrangement of such functional zones and then choose the most successful one. And only after you clarify all the questions on the placement of the elements you need, you can proceed to a more accurate design of the site.

Even the smallest pond in which water rushes and pours into the sun creates a unique style in the garden. This corner of the garden immediately becomes a favorite,brings a lot of positive emotions, relaxes and sets on philosophical thoughts. Such a miracle can be created with your own hands. To do this, you can dig in a container of any size (for example, an old tub), inside wrap it with a dark film, gently lay around the edges with stones, fill with water - and your pond is ready.

Next, you can think about a variety of compositions from plants and natural stone (rockeries, rock gardens), supports for frizzyplants (pergolas, trellises) and various decorative elements. Remember - to make a landscape design with your own hands, you need, above all, a desire and a great desire to make your life more beautiful, and then you will succeed!

What is landscape design and why is it needed?
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