How to make New Year decorations in quilling technique, photo
New Year's - a magical holiday, when you want so muchpresent a piece of a fairy tale to family and friends. It will help in this one unusual technique - quilling. With the help of it you can learn how to weave lace from the most common paper.
Snowflake pendants can become a decoration for a festive table, a Christmas tree toy or an addition to a Christmas wreath.
How to make quilling jewelry for the New Year, master class
For production you need: scissors or clerical knife, paper glue, quilling needle or toothpick, quilling paper for white, silver or gold, quilling paper for yellow, red and pink colors, narrow ruler or other narrow narrow object of similar shape (for example, a piece of old plastic cards).
Step-by-step instruction:
Make the outer contour of the openwork flower. To do this, color strips of paper for a quilling length of 30 centimeters wrap around the ruler. Hold your fingers, remove the paper from the base. Secure the tip with glue. Repeat 5 more strips of the same color.
Be engaged in filling the petals. For this, take white quilling paper. Make one turn around the ruler. Remove the workpiece. Using a ruler to draw a strip into an accordion.
Each fold is fixed with a drop of glue at the base. Using the quilling needle, twist the resulting strips of the accordion with separate spirals inwards. The resulting figure is placed inside the previously made outline of the petal. Secure with glue. Fill in this way all the petals-contours.
Collect them in a flower. Secure with glue. The core of the flower is designated with dense rollers of the same color as the color of the petal contours.
After complete drying, the delicate snowflake flower can be glued to a greeting card or hung on a Christmas tree. In any case, she will like everyone without exception.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko