Soft valentines with their own hands
Festive valentines can be not onlypaper - they can be made from a variety of materials! Very amusing soft valentines on pins, which can be pinned to clothes. The country of the Soviets will tell you how to make such valentines with your own hands.
To make cute soft valentines, we will need:
thick paper or thin cardboard for the template
colored pieces of felt
multicolored thread
material for packing (eg cotton wool)
small English pins
scissors with shaped blades
sewing needle
Print out and cut out a template for the heart (toexample, such as the picture on the left). If the paper or thin cardboard for the template is too thick for the printer, we transfer it to the cardboard through carbon paper or cut out of thin paper and draw around the contour on a dense paper.
We take two pieces of felt of the same color, we putone on top of each other and draw a pattern of the heart on the top piece of felt by a pencil. Then, with scissors with shaped blades, we cut out two hearts from the folded pieces of felt, exactly along the contour. We put both hearts together.
We take a string of contrasting color, we insert it inNeedles and we sew both hearts together. Sew at a distance of about 3 mm from the edge with neat small offset stitches. To hide the knot, the first stitch is done inside, between two pieces of felt. The lower part of the heart is not immediately sutured - through it we will fill the heart with cotton.
Accurately fill our valentine with cotton,sintepon or other suitable padding material. It is most convenient to "stuff" the stuffing with a thin stick or pencil. We do not need to hurry, we stuff our heart gradually, a little bit. When the packings in it will be enough, sew a hole through which we stuffed it.
On the reverse side of the heart we tie a knot tofix the thread, and then pierce the needle through the back of the heart. We stretch the thread and cut it very close to the surface of the felt - this will help us to hide its end, and the back side of the heart will look neat.
In the center of the back of the heart we put a smallsafety pin. Before sewing it, make sure that it will be convenient to unbutton and button up. Sew a pin with neat stitches so that it clings securely. Having finished sewing, we tie a knot and hide the thread in the same way as we did last time, having finished stuffing our heart.
So you can do as many as you likehearts. Soft valentines are very easy to make by themselves - they can be done even with children. Such original valentines will not leave anyone indifferent!
See also these master classes:
Volumetric valentines;
Valentines from beads and napkins;
Gifts for Valentine's Day with your own hands.

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