Valentines own hands
An indispensable attribute of Valentine's Day is,of course, valentines (holiday cards in the form of hearts with wishes in love). They can be bought, but it's best to make holiday valentines from paper with your own hands.
It is believed that the first written valentines(approximately in the form in which they exist now) appeared in the XV century. The founder of the first valentines is the Duke of Orleans. Sitting in prison in solitary confinement, he wrote love letters to his wife in order not to go mad with boredom. The first valentine of the author of the Duke is exhibited in the British Museum.
In the XVIII century, valentines were popular throughout theEurope; then did the valentines with their own hands. For their production, colored paper and colored ink were used. You could see homemade valentines decorated with paper lace; Valentines, painted through a stencil; valentines, decorated "in the old days"; even valentines-puzzles and valentines-puzzles. The country of the Soviets proposes to revive the glorious traditions and learn how to make valentines with their own hands.
Similar master classes:
Volumetric valentines;
Soft valentines (with templates for printing);
Original valentines made of beads and napkins.
"Marble" valentines with their own hands
Simplicity of the form of valentines made of paper is quite possiblecompensate for the unusual nature of the material, its color, pattern and texture. Let's try to learn how to make marble paper for valentines. For making paper with a marble pattern we will need:
shaving foam
thin baking tray
piece of heavy paper
watercolor or liquid food colors
toothpick, stick or plastic knife
We take a balloon with foam for shaving and squeeze outit on a baking sheet - the thickness of the layer should be about one and a half centimeters, and the width - a little more than the width of the planned valentine. To make the layer of cream smooth, smear it on the baking tray with a spatula or scraper.
Apply to the foam layer a few drops of dilutedwatercolor or liquid food coloring - in different places, so that the drops are plus or minus evenly distributed throughout the surface. Using a stick, spread the paint over the foam to get a "marble" pattern. Then put our future card on the foam and gently press it so that the paper is printed on the paper.
Then tear off the card from the foam and put it onclean surface pattern up. With a scoop or scraper, we remove excess foam from the paper - the color pattern remains. We let the paper dry, and then we cut out our hearts out of marble cardboard. As you can see, the "marble" valentines with their own hands is not difficult at all!
Pop-up valentine with your own hands
Pop-up cards are cards similar tochildren's voluminous books: you open such a valentine, and from it a drawing is raised. Make pop-up valentines yourself very simple. To make such a valentine we will need:
picture for the insertion pivot
thin paper
heavy paper
sharp knife or blade

First, we prepare a picture that will be"Pop up" when you open the valentine. It can be anything: a couple in love, the inscription "I love you" ... the main thing is that it would be convenient for you to cut it (for example, you can see the example in the picture above). We print it out.
Then carefully cut out the pattern along the contour. You may have noticed that the drawing consists of solid and dotted lines. We need to cut only on a solid line, dotted we do not touch! Cutting the best with a sharp knife, scissors for this approach poorly.
Having finished cutting, as it were squeezed out the drawing fromitself, bending it along the dotted lines. Thick paper bends twice (it is better if it is not the color of our "liner") and paste the cut out image inside the resulting valentine (the solid dotted line should coincide with the fold of the volumetric postcard). This is how simple volumetric valentines are made by oneself !!
If you want to make an unusualgift-valentine for your second half, you can try to make soft valentines, draw a valentine in a graphic editor or try to make original valentines in any other technique. The main thing - to show imagination!

Read also:
How to make a valentine of beads