Let's update the wooden box!
You have an old, long out of fashionwooden casket? You can not put this on a dressing table and throw out this amusing little thing does not raise your hand. So, maybe you just need a little "refresh" the design of the box?

Try to make one or more boxes in the style of "Golden Leaves": a combination of rich red and gold is always relevant! You will need very little effort and time.

Casket "Golden Leaves"


  • old wooden casket;

  • aerosol paints: red and gold;

  • putty on wood;

  • acrylic primer;

  • gold stickers;

  • varnish.


  • sandpaper;

  • putty knife.


Handle the box with sandpaper.

Let's update the wooden box!

Using a small spatula, apply a putty on the surface of the casket, level it. After drying again, smooth the surface with fine-grained sandpaper.

Let's update the wooden box!

Cover the surface with acrylic primer or a mixture of PVA and water.

Let's update the wooden box!

Paint the box on the outside and inside with red and gold colors. Use special stickers of gold color in the form of leaves.

Let's update the wooden box!

Cover the box with lacquer.

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