Who will win the Eurovision 2017

International Eurovision Song Contest is heldannually since 1956. This is the most popular and all favorite event is not a sports plan. The first country to host the guests was Switzerland, and since then dozens of states have held a magnificent event in their territories. From year to year the competition changed, the types of participants changed, but the first place was always occupied by the most talented and well-prepared vocalists. Lively interest of spectators and fans flared up and this time. Who will win the Eurovision 2017, where and when will the event take place this year? What are the predictions of psychics and forecasts of bookmakers today? Who will go to the contest from Russia and other countries?

Where and when will the international Eurovision Song Contest 2017 take place?

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Recall, at the Eurovision Song Contest 2016 in Stockholmthe participant from Ukraine - Jamala with the song "1944" won. Thanks to this unexpected turn of events, the contest in 2017 will be held in the capital of Ukraine - in the city of Kiev. According to experts, at least 15,000 tourists and 42 delegations from the participating countries will arrive for the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest. Meanwhile, the main stage of the song contest is ready to receive the vocalists and resembles a continuous giant screen. The manager of television production, Roman Kerik, reveals some details of the location in front of curious idlers: "The grandiose Eurovision 2017 stage is an amazing combination of searchlights, LED screens and controlled devices." In the center of the structure there is an additional "falling" camera, allowing to shoot the plan from above. in the construction exceeds 180 km. " The whole Khreshchatyk (the territory from Bogdana Khmelnitsky Street to Proreznaya Street) will become one global fan zone.

To date, it is quite clear where andwhen the international contest "Eurovision 2017" will be held. But the results of the long-awaited event are still a mystery for spectators and fans of the vocal competition.

Schedule of the International Vocal Eurovision Song Contest in 2017

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Preparing for the largestsong competition in the world came to an end. Very soon the participants of the legendary contest, as well as fans of the "European" song and music fans of the whole planet will gather in the capital of Ukraine. It's time to find out when, where and how Eurovision 2017 will be held:

  • May 4th in the center of the capital on Khreshchatyk will be opened Euro-town with food courts, concerts, live shows and other entertainment programs;

  • May 7 the solemn opening of the Eurovision 2017 will be held. On this day the Mariinsky Palace (near the building of the Verkhovna Rada) will have a record long red track - 265 m;

  • May 1-14 Euroclub will function for holding closed events with members of the delegations of the participating countries;

  • 9th May the first semi-final of Eurovision 2017 will be held;

  • May 11 the second semi-final of Eurovision 2017 will be held;

  • may 13 - the date of the grand finale of Europe's largest international vocal competition;

Eurovision 2017: participants from different countries

Full list of participants of the Eurovision Song Contest2017 from different countries has already been formed. All the contestants from more than four dozen states managed to present their vocal compositions, which will be defended on May 9, 11 in the semifinals and on May 13 - in the finals. Initially, in the 63rd stage of the grandiose event 43 applications for participation were submitted. Some countries returned after a short break (Romania and Portugal), and some on the contrary - refused to participate. For one reason or another, in 2017 we will not see representatives from Turkey, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Slovakia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Luxembourg, Andorra. As a result, for the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 participants from different countries made a record long list of 42 positions, and the order of their performances in the semifinals is determined by traditional draw.

Participants of the first semifinal

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Participants of the second semifinal

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Participants automatically reaching the final

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Which participants from different countries will come to Eurovision Song Contest 2017

Eurovision 2017 - participants from different countries:

  • Ukraine - O.Torvald "Time"

  • Finland - Norma John "Blackbird"

  • Georgia- Tako Gachechiladze "Keep The Faith"

  • Albania - Lindita "Botë"

  • Poland - Kasia Moś "Flashlight"

  • Belarus- NAVI "Historyja majho žyccia"

  • Switzerland - Timebelle "Apollo"

  • France - Alma "Requiem"

  • Italy- Francesco Gabbani "Occidentali's Karma"

  • UK-Lucie Jones "Never Give Up Up On You"

Who will go from Russia to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2017

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

For the right to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017Several different candidates fought. The short list of potential contestants included: Elena Temnikova, Nyusha, Alexander Panayotov, Daria Antoniuk, the collective of "Soprano of Turkish" and other talented performers. But only on the basis of the internal selection it became known for certain who will go from Russia to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2017. The 27-year-old girl-invalid Julia Samoilova with the composition "Flame is burning" received the great honor of representing her country at the contest. The young vocalist already had to participate in popular song competitions, all-Russian and inter-regional contests, TV projects and even the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games-2014.

Who Russia will send to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2017

Alas, Julia Samoilova, who was selected to participate in theEurovision 2017 from Russia is not destined to implement grandiose plans and fight for victory. On March 22, a young singer was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine by the SBU. The reason for this - touring in the territory of Crimea in 2015. In response to the current situation, the European Broadcasting Union invited the First Channel to conduct a live broadcast of Samoilova's speech at the finals remotely. But Russia refused such an offer and decided not to broadcast the 2017 Eurovision Song Contest on state channels. Julia herself does not lose hope for changes for the better and continues to train hard.

Bookmakers forecasts today about who will win the Eurovision Song Contest in 2017

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Already in the first half of May, all viewers, fansshow and real Eurovision fans will recognize the name of the winner of the next international variety-vocal competition. And while the society is actively discussing the unpleasant incident with the ban on Samoylova's entry into Ukraine, in the world media they are debating for the finalists and project leaders. And the obvious reason for the controversy was today's forecast bookmakers. It's no secret that "forecasters" often get to the point, but the hour from the hour of the experts' assumption is at odds with reality. Let's find out what the bookmakers' forecasts are today about who will win the Eurovision Song Contest in 2017. Perhaps this time the predictions will come true with 100% accuracy.

The latest bookmaker forecasts for the first four winners of the Eurovision Song Contest 2017

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

According to information from the official siteEurovisionWorld, bookmakers promise victory in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017 in Italy. To be more precise, the 34-year-old Francesco Gabbani - an Italian musician, a pop artist, winner of the previous San Remo festival. The composition of Gabbani "Occidentali's Karma" beats all possible records to date on popularity in the World Wide Web. Live viewers will be able to see the performer of the new hit not earlier than May 13. Since Italy as one of the founders of the contest automatically enters the final of the competition.

The contender for the second place is calledrepresentative of Bulgaria - Christian Kostov with his song "Beautiful Mess". According to critics, this composition is the deepest and "piercingly lyrical". At the same time, the 17-year-old singer is not tuned to the second position in the top, but to the victory in Eurovision 2017.

The third leader predicted by bookmakers is the participantfrom Sweden - Robin Bengtsson. The song "I Can not Go On" has become a European hit in a short period of time, therefore it has the right to win. Despite the fact that Sweden has always remained at the bookmakers in good standing, this time the forecasters promise Bengtsson the result is not higher than 3 positions. And the fourth place may well go to the Australian Isaiah Faerbreys, the performer of the song "Do not Come Easy". In the opinion of critics, the composition does not hold up to the leading positions, but viewers and commentators on the web consider it differently.

These are the forecasts of today's bookmakers about who will win the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. What will be the real outcome of the final, we will not know until May 13.

Eurovision 2017 - predictions of psychics in first place

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Before the grand international competitionless than two weeks and an exact list of all participating countries and their representatives is already known. This means that psychics can confidently make public their predictions about the contenders for the first place in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. Clearly, the clairvoyants are upset by the situation with Yulia Samoilova, because in their opinion the Russian singer could count on a worthy place in the rating. But, nevertheless, psychics managed to "see" the most worthy of 43 participants and point them out in their forecasts.

Predictions of psychics about the winner of Eurovision 2017

There is very little time left untilthe popular non-sports competition in the world - the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, the predictions of psychics in the first place already set the spectators to the bright impressions and spectacular performances of the regulars. According to famous seers, Georgia has a chance to win prizes (Tako Gachechiladze with Keep The Faith), France (Alma with Requiem), Sweden (Robin Bengtsson with the song I Can not Go On). Yet psychics agree that many events in life are changeable. So, the results of Eurovision in 2017 can radically change from the slightest changes in organizational moments.

Who will win the Eurovision 2017

Having thoroughly studied the list of participants andready-made musical compositions of vocalists, the audience strives to learn the most important: who, nevertheless, will go from Russia and who will win the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. The benefit of the contest will be very soon, and today it remains to be content with the predictions of psychics and bookmakers' predictions in the first place.

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