These signs of the Zodiac, as a rule, most often go to the left

Treason is a concept of psychological, social,moral and ... astrological. Astrologers, like psychologists, argue that there are no irreproachably loyal people in nature. Everyone changes everything, but someone is frightened even by the thought of his sinful and hastens to confess to the church, and someone - both mentally and physically revels in bodily pleasures without a twinge of conscience. The most prone to betrayal of astrology are called Aries, Cancers, Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces. However, experts warn that the stars admit exceptions. As among the above signs there are almost patalogically correct "specimens", and among other representatives of the zodiacal circle, which are usually considered to be permanent in love, individuals who go "to the left" can be found.


Aries is one of the most unstable signs. The reason is his temperament and charisma. He is easily carried away by new relationships and sincerely believes that this is for life. Just as easily it cools down when another appears on the horizon, and now it is exactly "the only love"! To appeal to his conscience is useless. He is sure that this is not his fault - he can not go against Mother Nature herself, who created him polygamous and also so charming!

These signs of the Zodiac, as a rule, most often go to the left


One of the most reliable signs in love is negativerefers to the collection of broken hearts, and if he fell in love and made sure that this is reciprocal, then the next step in the development of relations will be the registrar. However, such reliable family men as Taurus are capable of treason. And if this happens to him, it will only talk about one thing - he fell in love. To live on two families Taurus will not, because for him "falling in love" is equal to "create a family".


Gemini has a bloody betrayal. He is very flattered by the status of the hero-lover, and he is proud of his numerous love victories, and rarely tries to hide them from public condemnation and even a legitimate partner. Although, of course, Gemini prefers to keep his mate in the dark, because most often it changes her with her friends / girlfriends. There are also faithful spouses among the Gemini, although this title is rather conditional. And they change, but only in their own fantasies.


For Cancer, treason is a natural habitat. He does not even try to "blush". He is not ashamed, because in this sinful activity, he pursues an exceptionally noble goal - to find among his many "trials and mistakes" his only destiny. His conscience is always pure, because after being married, he hints at imperfect relations, thus warning about possible changes. Scandals and claims after such conversations will only strengthen his decision to create a new family in which he will be understood.

These signs of the Zodiac, as a rule, most often go to the left

a lion

The lion seldom steps on the path of adultery, although withinherited character and temperament can easily afford. Neither bravery, nor charm, nor pressure, he does not hold, but change for him, then admit that he did not create a family with the best of the best partners, and this is very offensive to his pride. Therefore, Leo often does not go on flirting. It is enough for him to know that there are those who dream about him, both in dreams and in reality.


Fidelity to the Virgin is second nature. She can write tracts about love and devotion, so if one of the Virgo partners is in the family, then this marriage is just doomed for longevity. There are, of course, among the representatives of the sign and the traitors. But if the Virgin decides to make a romance on the side, then only in the case of the very "unearthly love". To go "on the left" Virgo will be extremely cautious, observing all laws of secrecy, especially if she does not intend to leave the family.


Libra is not a marriage for love on the side. Moreover, they do not consider "bigamy" a crime, managing to make both families happy. Suspect Libra in hypocrisy is difficult, because they are sincerely given to both partners, leaving in each of them a part of their soul. Parallel life they manage to paradoxically easy, and due to the nature of the character and great skill, brought to virtuosity, they are difficult to convict of treason. Scales are extremely rare.

These signs of the Zodiac, as a rule, most often go to the left


Treason, as a rule, Scorpio is not peculiar. He is an adherent of loyalty and established family traditions. However, you can not call it permanent in love either. He is capable of betrayal, but only when he receives less love, respect, care or sex in the family. The intrigues on the side significantly complicate his life, because, firstly, he does not know how to encrypt his illegal relationship, and secondly, he considers himself a traitor, destroying family values.


Sagittarius still those walkers "left"! They do not suffer with their own conscience about their many betrayals, because they do not consider them a betrayal. For Sagittarius adultery is an adventure, an exciting adventure and an opportunity to realize your temperament. He sincerely believes that everyone benefits from this. True, to hide their hobbies Sagittarius can not, but does not really want. He likes to boast of love victories, thereby increasing his own importance.


Capricorn is not a big fan of leaving the bosom of the family inseeking thrills. He has already used all his internal resources once, calculated and weighed everything to find the ideal partner. And yet among the Capricorns there are unfaithful spouses. For them, this is one of their projects, in which they realize their abilities for love strategies. They are very secret - all their "left" adventures are thought through to the smallest detail. But if there is a mistake, the Capricorn will never admit a "sin".

These signs of the Zodiac, as a rule, most often go to the left


Aquarius rarely gives in to temptationa forbidden romance or even an affair. He, maybe, and would have started all the hard, but he is straining all these love problems and the fear of being exposed. Some representatives of the sign nevertheless overcome internal psychological barriers and decide on treason, believing that their family life is boring. As a rule, the search for something new comes to his advantage, as they give the chance to understand that they are not looking for good from the good.


Fish easily allow themselves treason, justifying theirimpermanence temperament, zodiac sign or genes. However, they will never tolerate treachery towards themselves from their partner. Of course, Pisces is well aware of this injustice, therefore they strongly support their reputation as a respectable family man. Their ingenuity in the secrecy of infidelity is brought to the highest degree of skill.

These signs of the Zodiac, as a rule, most often go to the left

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