Under what signs of the zodiac witches are born

Astrology is a heavenly magic in which miraclescreate stars. Well, is not it a miracle when a certain arrangement of the stars generates geniuses, prophets or, for example, gifted by a special magical power of women called witches? Leaders, of course, on the Earth are afraid, but if they are "lit" by the stars, it means that someone needs it! Astrologers are inclined to believe that women possess all the magic signs of the zodiac. However, there are signs under which the born sorceress appears.

Three "witch" signs of the zodiac

A witch is considered to be a malicious woman,possessing occult knowledge and the disposition of the devil himself. However, the Old Slavonic language, the word "witch" treats in the meaning of "the Knower Mother". Slavs so majestically called wise women who possessed a special magical gift. Witches and today are called all women. Some are well versed in divination and love spells, others in medicinal herbs, and still others simply, so they are led to believe that men without love spells and potions lay down stacks at their feet. Magic powers are, to a greater or lesser extent, given to women by the stars under which they are born. Believe themselves, women who are born under the following three signs of the zodiac may consider themselves leaders:

Under what signs of the zodiac witches are born


Women-Scorpions are fully aware of whathave a powerful force, and do not hide their witches' abilities. Magic serves them faithfully both in domestic household affairs and in communication with the surrounding world. They are especially strong in temptation. To do this, they do not necessarily have the image of a female vamp, wear catchy clothes or behave boldly. Modestly dressed Scorpio without a make-up, with a naive smile and inexpressive, at first glance, character give out the eyes of the temptress. Once they were captured, they will not be able to get out alive. Especially if a woman in love with the Scorpio give cause for suspicion of treason. In jealousy, the witch is terrible!

a lion

Female Lionesses do not make much effort toEnchant people around, or even dexterously manipulate them. Enough is her bent in astonishment eyebrows, measuring look or apt words, so that people feel like an audience with the Queen herself. To instruct the Lioness or show unhealthy curiosity to her, astrologers do not advise, otherwise one can imperceptibly remain not only without a good mood, but without a nose in her affairs. Men who fall in love with Lionza risk being forever left in her heart. She is a great master of love magic.

Under what signs of the zodiac witches are born


Aquarius women are considered queens among witches. They are capable of conjuring at least love, at least parting, and even death itself. Their strength, which they do not always realize, is in practical magic. Therefore, they are especially dangerous for both the close environment and for themselves. Fortunately, the abilities of Aquarius women are mostly manifested in kind, exalted affairs. However, it is worth grieving the woman-Aquarius, as the offender will not have doubts - before him the real witch! Women-Aquarius with the same frenzy know how to hate and love. A man who likes to fall in love with her will be both miserable and insanely happy person at the same time.

Witchcraft in other signs of the zodiac


The Aries woman belongs to the fiery witches. It is able to easily subjugate someone else's will, achieve its goals and impair ill-wishers with impunity. Its power tends to destroy rather than create, so the woman-Aries better learn to manage their own emotions.


Woman-Taurus is a practical witch. But the suspicion that she is a witch, comes to her only when she gets to the stove and creates her own masterpiece culinary recipes. Her dishes are like a magical potion, which she can charm forever anyone who at least once tastes her unsurpassed concoction.

Under what signs of the zodiac witches are born


The Gemini Woman is inquisitive, like a cat. And in cats, definitely there is something from witches. It is always interesting to watch the effect that it produces with its extraordinary abilities for people. The Gemini woman is guided by intuition in everything, therefore, without even learning, accurately predicts the future along the coffee grounds.


Cancer woman can quite become famousmedium or oracle, if you seriously believe in your strong magical abilities. However, the Cancer woman, as a rule, is very far from spells, predictions and especially magical potions. She is closer to a subtle spiritual world, art and literature.


The Virgo woman has a certain talent forwitchcraft - the idea to read, Tarot cards spread and one eye to the future look. However, she categorically refuses to rank herself as a witch. It is not fair for a true woman to get carried away with black magic, which she considers any witchcraft.

Under what signs of the zodiac witches are born


Woman-Libra is not a witch, but a good fairy. It is alien to every kind of spell, damage and other magic with a black touch of witchcraft. The maximum in which she manifests her abilities for magic is a curative tea made from mountain or meadow grass, collected by her own hands. Here in it she puts her soul, and she sings all with love.


The Sagittarius woman has a fairly powerfulwitchcraft, but she knows how to pacify her in time. If, in a fit of anger, she suddenly wants to tear down someone's head, she will mentally count to ten, and the person will manage to get off with a mild migraine. However, next time he is unlikely to be so lucky. The Sagittarius woman does not give a chance twice.

Under what signs of the zodiac witches are born


The Capricorn Woman does not use her magictalent for personal purposes. She is a teacher to other witches. To help friends and their girlfriends, the Capricorn woman spends all her sorcerous powers. Among the Capricorn women, good psychologists, social workers and volunteers are obtained. They manage to penetrate into such depths of human consciousness, where there is no other road.


A Pisces woman is too sensitive toto be an evil witch. She's not a witch at all! And if she managed to anticipate the wedding of a friend in a dreaming dream, then the fault of Luna that shone on her pillow. And if her mistress escaped from her husband hastily, then was it her fault that in the bottle of wine, which he gave to the razluchnitsu, was the horse's dose of the lapel potion? Of course not! A witch is from a fairy tale, and she's just a true woman.

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