These plants will protect you and your house from the evil eye: Vegetable amulets from spoilage

Wards and amulets from the "evil eye" existin many cultures. In Russia, deeply believed in the power of natural materials, and found them protected from the evil eye, spoiling and dark influences of magic. Vegetable amulets from herbs, flowers, leaves, fruits, roots have special magical properties. Powerful energy, which is planted in plants by nature, is capable of interacting with human energy on a subtle level, blocking or neutralizing negative magical messages, manifestations of envy, anger, curses or spoilage. For this purpose, the magic of herbs is enclosed in amulets.

The plant amulets from the evil eye

These plants will protect you and your house from the evil eye: Vegetable amulets from spoilage

Plants-amulets should always be "on hand". They are worn on the body, attached to clothing, hidden in personal belongings, left in the bedroom, put in a baby crib. The greatest strength from the evil eye is possessed by plants:

  • Fennel is the "antidote" from evil eye and black magic. Dried roots are placed in a glass cone or decorative bag, and are worn as a nasal suspension.

  • Devyasil is used as a defense against envious views and evil spirits provoking anger, fear, hatred. Wear dried and crushed grass in our amulet or sewn into clothes.

  • St. John's wort neutralizes the negative caused by the evil intention of an evil, envious person, a witch. The plant is placed under a pillow, fumigated room or hidden behind icons.

  • Asafoetida - a grass-amulet with a pronounced smell. Mages call it "devilish incense" and use it during magical plots and rituals from evil eye and evil fate.

  • The leaves of the laurel guard from spoilage, witchcraft, protect the babies from evil and evil eye. In order to protect the laurel leaves are worn in purses, pockets, are hidden in the nursery cradle.

  • Ruta eliminates spoilage, removes the evil eye. The most effective will be taking baths with water, in which the twigs or ruta leaves are soaked.

  • Clover is not only known as a "catcher" of luck, butand as a reliable amulet from evil eyes. Of course, the fresh leaves of the clover have fresh magical properties, but the clover-shamrock, depicted on the copper talisman, will provide protection.

  • The leaves of the ash, though controversial, are magicalplant, but the strength of the removal of spoilage, he has no equal. A few leaves hidden in clothing or on the body, will become a reliable protection against the evil eye, slander and gossip.

House plants-protectors from the evil eye

These plants will protect you and your house from the evil eye: Vegetable amulets from spoilage

Not only people, but also their houses, apartments or offices are subject to negative magical influences. Wards of housing and working premises are houseplants that have antimagic properties:

  • Tradescantia in the living room is an ideal guard against envious persons, gossips and ill-wishers. A flowering plant will clean the house of accumulated bad energy.

  • Royal begonia harmonizes intrafamilyrelationships that envied, jinxed or caused damage. The house-plant-amulet can transform negative energy oscillations into positive ones.

  • Geranium has the greatest strength from the evil eye, aggression and anger that hit the house. Strongly smelling plants will displace evil intention and negative influence from the housing.

  • Room roses fill the room with the aura of love andtenderness, in defense of which the thorns protrude. Therefore, where roses blossom, there is no place for evil, lies, foul language, curses, bad thoughts and actions directed against their master.

These plants will protect you and your house from the evil eye: Vegetable amulets from spoilage

  • Cactus has not the best reputation in the house,because it is considered a "provocateur" quarrels. However, if the "prickly" energy of the cactus is directed to its destination, and put it on the windowsill or at the entrance door, it will become an obstacle to the way of evil eye or spoilage.

  • Violets not only protect the owners of the house frommagical encroachments on their welfare, but also attracted to the abode of good spirits. White flowers are considered defenders of children, so they are grown in children's rooms.

Vegetable amulets for home protection

The magic of field grasses and plants is also used forprotection of the house. Many rituals of corruption and evil eye are spent on housing. To protect the most vulnerable places of living quarters from malicious intent of ill-wishers, to protect the native house from envious persons, offenders and to strengthen its positive energy use properties of magically strong plants:

  • Rowan branches (cross-linked with thread orribbon of red color), stalks of dill, bunches of wormwood, nettle, St. John's wort or thistle hang over the entrance door. These vegetable charms counteract evil spells and sorcery magic.

  • Fruits of burdock and thorny stems of acacia, hawthorn or dog rose, laid out at the threshold, will save the house from penetrating other people's negative intentions.

  • Pods of red pepper, juniper branches, aspens or a consecrated willow are hidden behind skirting boards in the hallway (corridor) in order to drive away evil spirits and not let people with bad intentions into the house.

  • Wreaths of fresh or dried peppermint, St. John's wort, wormwood hang over a hanger or mirror at the entrance. Grass-charms will also protect the entrance to the dwelling from the spell of magical power.

These plants will protect you and your house from the evil eye: Vegetable amulets from spoilage

  • Lavender or chamomile flowers, protectivebags with vegetable fillers (St. John's wort, elder, basil, etc.) are laid out in the bedroom in places inaccessible to someone else's eyes, to protect the love and family happiness from the evil eye.

  • Bunches of onion, pepper and garlic - the best kitchenamulets. They will protect the living space from black magic, from the evil eye, and from people who "vampire." The served amulets are thrown out after a while, replacing them with new ones.

Trees - perennial houseguards

Planting trees and shrubs in the courtyard of the house -Protection of the home and its owners from magical interventions for many years. Competently selected perennials become not only amulets, but also full-fledged inhabitants of the yard and "family members", which enhances their protective properties.

  • Fern will save the inhabitants of the dwelling from sorcerers, envious eyes and conspiracies. The power of this magical plant is irresistible, and even its image in the outer decor of the house will become an amulet.

These plants will protect you and your house from the evil eye: Vegetable amulets from spoilage

  • Rowan opposes the forces of black magic. Rowan trees not only decorate the yard with spring flowering and autumn beads, but also prevent penetration of spoilage and evil eye.

  • The birch planted at the gate, near the gate or in the corners of the courtyard, will save from the evil eye and become the patroness of all the women of the family.

  • Hazel is one of the strongest vegetable talismans. Even the magic circle, delineated by the hazel twig, protects against the penetration of evil.

  • Maple carries a powerful energy, counteracting evil spells and magical powers. Plant maple trees on the southern side of the courtyard.

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