What kind of frying pan to buy in the kitchen? Recommendations of professionals
Recommendations for choosing a frying pan are prepared by experts of the online store of utensils tut-posuda.ru.
The frying pan continues to be the mostand an indispensable attribute in the kitchen. And really without this product it is impossible to imagine a full-fledged kitchen. With its help you can quickly prepare breakfast or warm it up. That's all it's best to do in a good frying pan. Let's stop on the question: how to choose a good frying pan?
Each hostess is faced with this issue, because in every supermarket is represented by a huge number of them. And if you are not an experienced buyer, then you can seriously puzzle.
Cast iron frying pans: durability and reliability
It is not a secret to anyone thatthe main difference between the frying pans is primarily in the materials, of which they were made. And here experts agree that the products made of cast iron are ideal for preparing dishes and all sorts of products that require good heat treatment. This is due primarily to the fact that cast iron is able to conduct heat perfectly, due to strong heating, but the products do not burn completely to the surface of the frying pan.
Quality and good cast iron frying panabsolutely no acids are scary. Therefore, in the dish you can add a bite or lemon juice, the surface of the frying pan does not suffer. It is extremely undesirable to use new-fashioned detergent consistencies, since they destroy the protective structure of the product.
Recommendations for use
Specialists strongly recommend not to store cooked or heated food in a frying pan.
It should be extremely cautious with the product, because when falling, cast iron can break, due to the natural fragility.
Before use, the pan should be thoroughly cleaned, washed and dried, after which the entire inner surface is oiled and calcined for an hour in the oven.
Frying pans with steel aging
If you are a fan of healthy and reallytasty dishes, pay attention to the frying pan from stainless steel. What is the reason for choosing these products? This is due primarily to the fact that stainless steel does not interact with any other substances, materials. Due to this, the natural taste of the products is preserved, and the dishes are more saturated and tasty.
Beware of only the color divorces that arise after the dishes are forgotten for several minutes on fire.
Aluminum frying pans: everything for the sake of ease
The lightest traditionally are aluminumFrying pans, which is due to the structural ease of the material itself. And many of our compatriots have a quite natural question: is it expedient to use aluminum for the production of frying pans?
If we talk about the merits of such products, we can distinguish several aspects:
price accessibility;
excellent level of thermal conductivity;
Just by purchasing an aluminum frying pan, youshould be ready for burnt food, and for baking in the oven, they do not fit. Particular attention deserves the bottom of the product, or rather, its thickness. Quality frying pans can boast material, a thickness of 55, which is enough for frying meat dishes. If it comes to products with Teflon coating, then use it should be extremely accurate - any structural damage to integrity is fraught with damage to the pan itself.
Purpose of the frying pan
Every housewife knows that it is impossible in the kitchento cope with all matters, having at hand only one pan. Experienced housewives invariably have at least three such products, and even more. It is significant that each of them is intended for a certain area of work: for frying cutlets, for extinguishing, for frying vegetables, etc.
If you plan to bake pancakes - buy round pans, complemented by a quality non-stick layer and with low walls. For fish is better suited dishes oval shape.
Instead of conclusions
In the online store of utensils "Here the Tableware" on salea huge number of variations of the pans are presented. They differ not only in materials, but also in non-stick coatings used. And before making a purchase, decide on the purpose of the frying pan, as well as the conditions in which it is supposed to be used.