Facts about water that everyone should know

"Sea air in conjunction with swimming in the sea- the almost guaranteed way to health, "wrote Jane Austen.The latest scientific studies have confirmed that the writer was right.This water is not just a sea medicine, it is truly a miraculous remedy.This is explained in more detail by the oceanographer, the author of the book" Closer to the Water "Wallace Nichols.

Ripples of water - rest for the brain

Facts about water that everyone should know

Information noise and vanity attack modernman literally at every step. Lively city streets, buzzing cars, flashy advertising posters, thousands of strangers and flickering television images are all factors that can lead to chronic stress, reduced care and intellectual abilities. Therefore, our brains need to give respite, so that he can temporarily pass into passive mode. The ideal way to do this is to spend the weekend not just on the nature, but at the pond. Experiments have shown that by observing the course of the river or waves at sea, we help the brain to relax and recover.

Strength of color

Facts about water that everyone should know

In a recent study, a "virtualreality ", wrists were given bandages through which they were given a feeling of heat, they were asked to give a signal when the temperature reached the level of the pain threshold.In the course of the experiment, people looked at monitors showing their hands with bandages of red, green or blue, and felt the greatest (perceived) pain, if the bandage is red, and the smallest - if blue .This is not the only experiment that has proved: blue and blue colors soothe people.In addition, these colors help focus and relieve It's another reason to look at water more often.

What is useful for immersing in water?

Facts about water that everyone should know

Since ancient times people know about the healingeffect of water procedures. And till now they are very popular. Baths relieve both physical and psychological stress. The contrast shower invigorates and speeds up the circulation of blood. Swimming improves posture, strengthens the lungs and muscles. Diving helps to immerse yourself in a whole new world, forget about problems for a while and rethink reality. According to observations of scientists, even a short interaction with water reduces the level of anxiety and positively affects the emotional state. By the way, that's why doctors recommend water exercises for autistic children.

Why should you drink more water?

Facts about water that everyone should know

Dehydration harms the work of the brain, because thisalmost eighty percent of the body consists of water. If the body receives less fluids than necessary, this will negatively affect attention, psychomotor functions, memory and perception. No wonder that neuroscientists are advised to drink a glass of water in the morning, immediately after awakening. The fact is that at night we do not make up for it, and in the morning the body is slightly dehydrated. And it can badly affect our thinking abilities.

Water hobby for rehabilitation

Facts about water that everyone should know

Extreme hobbies, such as surfing or descenton kayaks, can be cured of drug and alcohol addiction. Psychologists say: these kinds of sports transform the neurochemical processes of the brain and make it possible to replace narcotic pleasure with another, more natural. And in those cases when a person has experienced a severe shock, it is recommended to apply another "water" hobby, for fishing, especially for boat rehabilitation, for rehabilitation. Practice has shown that fishing contributes to combating anxiety, stress, depression and other psychological problems.

So, do you want to be calm, energetic and healthy? Bathe, rest by the sea, fish, take a bath ... In general, just stay close to the water.

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