For a very long time, namely until the middle of the 18th centuryTatyana's day was an exclusively religious holiday. Devoted to his memories of a holy woman named Tatiana, who, through her calling, made an unselfish service to the Lord God. Every day of her life this noble Christian helped the poor, sick and homeless, consoled the suffering and disadvantaged and found the warmest words for the erring souls of criminals. A very short time passed and Tatiana was awarded a clerical order. She became the youngest deaconess in the history of the Roman Empire.

When persecution began on Christianity, its ranksadherents noticeably thinned out. But Tatiana was not intimidated and forced to betray her convictions. Neither persuasions, nor promises, nor torture helped. The woman remained adamant and continued to praise Christ in the voice of the voice. Failing to break down, Tatiana was executed, and a little later the church ranked a brave Christian woman to the saints' face and fixed for her death the special religious celebration - the day of the martyr Tatyana. Since then, January 25 is celebrated quite magnificently, and all women named at the birth of Tanechkas accept congratulations and wishes for good and happiness.

When Tatyana's Day 2016 is celebrated and what are the people's signs associated with it

On the question of which number in 2016 is celebratedTatiana's day, there is only one answer - this holiday always falls on the same number - on January 25. In Ancient Russia this date was called more simply folk - Babi kut. In the villages that day, older women got up from the early morning and cooked a large loaf symbolizing the solar disk. Then he was hotly divided between all members of the family.

Young housewives went to the river and beat out dust from rugs and rugs. From this custom even an old saying has developed: "Tatyana and the loaf bake, and the rugs beat, and the round dance leads."

In rural areas, when everyone's day is celebratedTatyana, it was customary to watch the weather. The peasants noticed that a snowy morning of 25.01 promises a rainy summer, and a warm snowstorm indicates that a drought is expected in June, and in July and August - a crop failure.

How and when is St. Tatiana's Day celebrated in the church, video

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