How to return the apartment tax?

Acquisition of a house, apartment or landsite is a lot of trouble - it's the torment of choosing the right option, and significant financial costs. But you can significantly reduce your money participation in this event due to the timely and proper registration of property deduction for personal income tax. And so many will be interested to know how to return the tax for an apartment or a house, and what is needed for this? Read more about this in our article.

Return of 13% for an apartment or a house: is it possible?

The state can return a certain part of the expenses that you made once:

  • when buying or building you a residential building or premises (room, apartment, house, etc.)

  • when buying a plot of land with a residential building of any type;

  • when paying the interest rate of a loan for the acquisition of a housing object (mortgage);

  • when repairing any degree of available housing stock.

How to return the apartment tax?

It should be borne in mind that a return of 13 percent forThe purchase of housing in 2015 is possible only if the available costs relate to only one housing unit. In other words, it will not be possible to draw up a property deduction for both buying a house and mortgage interest on an apartment - in this case one has to choose one thing.

You should also pay attention to the fact that youcan be denied a return of 13 percent from the purchase of an apartment. This will happen in the event that you have purchased a housing object from interdependent persons (relatives, supervisor, etc.) or have already issued a property deduction this year. The law sets the maximum amount of the refund amount, and it is 2 million rubles, while interest on the loan is not taken into account.

How to return the tax for an apartment: documents and deadlines

The procedure for obtaining a property deduction in the Russian Federationrather simple. It is required to collect the necessary list of documents and submit them to the tax inspection at the place of residence. Wait for the data to be checked by the staff of the institution, receive information and money transfer statements. Also, the current level of development of Internet technologies allows you to issue the required documents online, without leaving home, in just a few minutes.

How to return the apartment tax?

Therefore, pondering over the question of how to return the tax to the apartment, begin to draw up the appropriate package of documents (this is the most difficult and important step). And this will require:

  • application for tax refund, which will require your bank details;

  • declaration;

  • a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL for that period (usually a calendar year) for which a return of 13% was claimed;

  • contract for the purchase of a housing object;

  • certificate of ownership or other act;

  • statements from bank accounts and other payment documents confirming the registration of property rights;

  • documents on mortgage registration (when buying a home on credit);

  • a certificate of birth of a child (if the documents for the purchase of housing were issued on them).

How to return the apartment tax?

If you do not have time to refund 13percent of the purchase of an apartment in 2015 immediately after the conclusion of the transaction, then do not despair - it can be done at any time. The procedure in most cases lasts from 2 to 5 months, of which most of the time it takes to check the documents.

We hope you will take advantage of our advice onhow to return tax on an apartment, house or other housing. Every citizen of the Russian Federation has this right - you just need to provide the necessary documents. Return your 13% and enjoy life in your own house or apartment!

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