What is it itching to nose: signs. Why the tip of the nose is constantly itching: folk signs
The majority of people on a question, to what the nose is scratched,answer more than unequivocally. After all, judging by popular signs, the nose itches to the upcoming drink. And although at first glance such reasoning may seem ridiculous, in fact such a prophecy often comes true. In today's article, we'll look at the main signs that will help us answer the question, why does it scratch my nose and what does it mean?
What does it scratch your nose for?
Of course, the most famous sign related toscratching his nose - this is what he itches for the upcoming drinking of hot drinks. But beyond that, there are other omens. It turns out that the place of the "focus" of the itch can determine what is waiting for you in the near future.
If the wings of the nose are itching, then you are disappointed,illness and joyless news. But for trouble to get around you, fold a combination of three fingers (kukish), and scratch your nose three times with your thumb.
If you scratch the tip of your nose, then from day to day youWaiting for a fun company of loved ones and drinking alcoholic beverages. Also some psychics believe that this may be a sign of good news that you have been waiting for.
If your nose is itchy, then it's not goodsign. In the future, you are in for trouble, perhaps one of your relatives or friends will get very sick. Of course, it is impossible to deceive fate, therefore, in order to somehow get yourself out of trouble, you can rub the bridge of your nose with a cross.
If the skin itches under your nose, then wait for your love adventures. You can expect both a new acquaintance and the likelihood that old feelings will burst with renewed vigor.
What is the itchy nose on the right and left side?
As it turned out,exactly which nostril was combed. If you have itchy right nostril, then wait for joyful news, a long-awaited meeting with an expensive person for you, unexpected and pleasant gifts. But if the left nostril, then ahead of you expect trouble, clarify the relationship, a quarrel with a person close to you, cash loss.
Signs on the days of the week
Depending on what day of the week the nose is itching, the signs promise different events in your life.
Monday. Ahead of you waiting for trouble and excitement. There is a possibility of conflict situations.
Tuesday. This day promises you an unexpected meeting with an old friend, a nostalgic mood.
Wednesday. Pleasant gifts. Perhaps your second half will present you with a small but memorable present, or you will win in the lottery.
Thursday. Romantic date.
Friday. Fun, booze, good mood.
Saturday. Unforeseen wasting. If you are planning a major purchase these days, then know that you will spend much more money than you are going to.
Sunday. A surge of emotions and clarification of relationships.
Constantly itchy nose: causes
Some people complain that their nose is constantly itching. It can happen because of various diseases. Let's consider some of them:
allergic reaction to dust, animal hair, flowering plants;
nervous shocks;
fungal diseases of the skin;
because of the bite of insects;
because of the bites of the itch mite;
as a consequence of certain diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).
If your nose is constantly itching and it gives you a lot of discomfort, then it's best to contact your doctor or dermatologist with this problem.