Why itches the teeth in an adult

Some people face such an unpleasantsensation, when it seems that "itches the teeth." In fact, itching comes from the gums, but sometimes you might think that the bone structure is damaged. It is not recommended to take any measures on your own - you need to urgently consult a dentist. The doctor will find out the true cause, prescribe the appropriate treatment with further recommendations.

Why does the adult's teeth itch?

The first thing that comes to mind when the word "itching" isallergic reaction. So the body can respond to some external and internal stimuli. Maybe a banal allergy to toothpaste. If after a replacement of this subject of hygiene discomfort did not leave - most likely, the problem is much more serious.

Why itches the teeth in an adult

The causes of these unpleasant sensations are divided into primary and secondary.

Primary - this directly affects the oral cavity, such as:

  • plaque and stones;

  • caused by the herpes simplex virus; stomatitis;

  • the appearance of aft and ulceration - aphthous stomatitis;

  • catarrhal gingivitis;

  • periodontitis;

  • fungal infection of the oral cavity - candidiasis;

  • leukoplakia;

  • ulcers, erosion due to injury.

Secondary reasons why your teeth itch:

  • various metal structures - plates, staples;

  • gnashing his teeth - bruxism;

  • from allergies (allergic reactions);

  • constant stress conditions;

  • hypovitaminosis, or hypervitaminosis;

  • lack of vitamin C;

  • excessive stimulation of immunity.

Why does it hurt the gums for colds?

With a cold, itching of the gums is quite common. With parainfluenza and the flu, usually all mucous membranes (nasal cavity, mouth) swell, which can cause unpleasant sensations.

At children at cold such symptom meetsmuch less often than in adults. For colds that are accompanied by fever and a number of other symptoms, it is necessary to visit the therapist.

With colds, sometimes people independently, without consulting a doctor, get antibiotics, a frequent intake of which can cause itching, because there is a risk of candidiasis of the oral cavity.

Why itches the teeth in an adult

Often with ARVI in the sinuses of the nose accumulatesSlime, which due to swelling of the nasal mucosa is not amenable to drainage. This creates an increased pressure in the maxillary sinuses, which in the future can lead to itching of the gums and even a toothache.

Than to treat an itch in an oral cavity?

What to do in the event thatDo you visit a specialist? It is impossible to use serious medications (antifungal creams, ointments) without doctor's appointment until it becomes clear why the oral cavity is being itchy.

The reasons for this state can be many, so before clarifying the truth, you can only weaken this symptom, but in no case do not treat yourself.

At home, you can only rinseoral cavity infusions, decoctions of plants, which contain tannic substances. Such herbal remedies are oak bark and sage. You can also rinse the oral cavity with infusion from the flowers of chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Some recommendations on how to remove the itching before going to the dentist:

  • to get a brush with very soft bristles;

  • if the mucous membrane is not damaged - chew solids;

  • to limit the consumption of sweets.

It is necessary to rinse after mealsmouth with ordinary water, can be cold. It will help to remove the itch, and also will clear out hard-to-reach places from food debris. For rinsing, you can not use running water - just filtered water.

In warm water, you can add salt and rinse your mouth with a hypertonic solution. The procedure must be performed several times for two minutes.

Another option to alleviate the condition is to dissolve a piece of ice. In the cold, small vessels shrink and irritation is removed.

When this symptom develops, it is necessary to consult a specialist. He will prescribe rational treatment.

By the way, the folk sign says that when a man or woman's teeth are itch, then, most likely, a person is expected to gossip.

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