Daylight saving time 2016
Annually about 100 countries around the worldtranslate the clock in order to rationalize the use of daylight and save energy. This transition occurs twice a year - in spring and in autumn. For this, on the last Sunday in March, the clock is translated for an hour ahead of the time that operates in this time zone. And every last Sunday in October - the arrows are returned an hour ago, resuming the standard time.</ p>

Will the watch be translated in 2016 in Russia?

At the end of the first spring month many Russiansworries the important question "Will the clock be converted to summer time this year?". According to the order of the President of the Russian Federation DA. Medvedev, March 27, 2011, the Russians moved the hands of their watch for an hour ahead and finally switched to a constant time - "summer". Nevertheless, this innovation was fiasco, because in fact, this time the calculus did not correspond to the geographical one. So, in some regions of Russia, the "summer" time outstripped the waistband by an hour, and in some regions - by two.

When the clock is translated for summer time 2016 in Russia

Such a discrepancy with geographical timecaused a lot of problems and inconveniences. Therefore, in 2014 it was decided to change the current timing, and on the night of October 26 in 80 of the 85 regions of the country the hands of the clock were transferred an hour ago. Thus, the Russians for the last time switched to the "winter" time, which has now become permanent. In other words, in the spring of 2016, we do not translate the clock.

When the watch is translated in other countries

In 2016, most countries in Europe, America andAsia will translate the time for an hour ahead, that is, for "summer" time on the night of 28 to 29 March. Translation into "winter" time in most countries of the world will occur on the last Sunday in October - on the night of 24 to 25th day. What time is it necessary to translate the clock at night? The official translation of time takes place at 3 am.

When translating hours in 2016 for summer time in Russia

Why translate time on the clock?

Even in ancient civilizations it was practicedrational use of the light part of the day. So, for example, in Ancient Rome, the day was divided into 12 parts, regardless of its duration. For this, the famous Roman water clock had special marks, which differed for each month of the year. So, in the winter one "hour" lasted only 44 minutes, and in the summer - as many as 75 minutes.

In modern history, the first to introduce a "summer"time suggested Benjamin Franklin, who considered it an unreasonable waste of the use of more candles in the winter. After him, with the same idea, J. Hudson and W. Ulliet performed. But on a world scale for the first time, the clock was switched to summer time practically only during the First World War, which, undoubtedly, was associated with the acute need to save energy resources.

Will the translation of the clock for summer time in 2016 in Russia

But as recent studies have shownpsychophysiologists, a constant change in the timing of a negative impact on people's health. The main danger is the violation of natural biological rhythms. Especially such a restructuring is harmful to people of age, in particular, suffering from cardiovascular and neurological diseases. Even a young organism needs a long adaptation to the "new" time. It is for this reason that many countries have in time abandoned the unnatural transition, and their citizens no longer experience when, where and for what time it is necessary to translate the clock.

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