New Year in Germany
On the eve of Christmas and New Year, the people of Germany, known all over the world for their accuracy and punctuality, dress up their native country, turning it into a fabulous elegant Deutschland.
During this period, the whole of Germany, fromDenmark Flensburg to the Bavarian Alps, overflows with lights of garlands, lanterns and other colorful lamps, the cities are inimitable festive atmosphere, the air is full of aromas of almonds, spices and mulled wine. Trees and facades of buildings are decorated with wreaths of flowers, garlands and other New Year's colorful attributes. That's it she is Germany in the Christmas New Year's Eve!
Sylvester or New Year in German
It is worth distinguishing features of the celebration of the NewYear in Germany from other European countries. In this country, the New Year's holiday has its own characteristics. The name of the New Year in German - "Sylvester" (the name of the priest, who lived in the 4th century AD and died on December 31).
However, in the German holiday there are similarities withOur: the main ornament of the German New Year is the fir, which in the ancient Germans meant the sacred tree. Unlike, for example, from Americans, for whom the tree is a symbol, first of all, Christmas, Germans tie a coniferous tree and with a meeting of the new year.
One of the main New Year customs among residentsGermany - exchange of gifts. The Germans call it Besherung. Characteristically, in addition to Santa Claus in Germany, there is also his German "Santa Claus", which is called Vainakhtsman. He brings gifts to children, not forgetting about adults.
Where to spend the New Year in Germany
If you decide to celebrate your favorite winterholiday in Germany, then for this there are a lot of options in which city to celebrate it. The best option is to travel to several German cities, concentrated for the most part in western Germany. For starters, you can consider the major metropolitan areas: Berlin, Munich, Hamburg or Cologne.
If you want to see the Christmas beautysmall towns, then you need to arrive 10-15 days before the New Year. Why? Yes, because after Christmas, as a rule, all the beauty in the form of dressed up trees, buildings and shop windows are already taken off, and on New Year's Day (it's Sylvester) people run out into the street and blow up crackers with firecrackers, rejoicing at the coming of the next long-awaited year.
So if your time allows you to come toGermany only in the last days of December, in which case the choice of a large city will be the most optimal for the celebration of the New Year. However, we strongly recommend that you try to calculate your time and opportunities and arrive in Deutschland for Christmas, at least 3-5 days before it occurs. This is approximately December 18-20. You will certainly be delighted with the Christmas markets, fairs, fun activities and, of course, the colorful attributes of the holiday.
New Year in the German Alps
If there is not always snow in the north of GermanyNew Year's Eve in view of certain climatic conditions, then in the south of Germany, in particular in the Alps you will definitely see snow, ski or snowboard and fully enjoy the winter holiday. And together with the excellent Bavarian beer enjoy the New Year's holiday in full!
Of the common New Year's and ChristmasGerman dishes must try Stollen (Stollen) - pie-cake with raisins, nuts and powdered sugar. And the famous German mulled wine will warm you in the cold season in Germany. With the onset of the first January numbers you can go to other German cities, using for this suburban comfortable electric trains. Among the recommended cities to visit: Nuremberg, Munich, Cologne. Have a nice New Year celebration!
Author: Katerina Sergeenko